

How I Became A Psychopath
I always wanted to be a person who never needed sleep all his life, I even tried to be awake all night too. Though it lasted only three days. I hated to sleep cause it ended up eating most of my work time. By reducing my sleep time I could work on my skills and projects and become the best among all my colleagues.

One fine day just watching some random Youtube Videos I came across this video called "Russian Sleep Experiment" it was about how a scientist used to keep a couple of guys awake through a special gas which didn't let them sleep and made them restless, but at the end, they ended up killing each other. But I thought maybe the dose of gas supplied to them was much more than needed and it was simply a Scientific error which maybe I can fix if I get my hands on anything like that gas. I tried searching it on Dark Web; where we can get anything weird if we dare to search it. I wasn't expecting to find an actual thing like that but I did. It was a kind of an inhaler used by asthma patients, but some gas tubes could be placed in the inhaler's empty slot and can be used. I was so pumped up seeing this and ordered it. After a couple of days, I did get a text from the dealer and got the package delivered where he said it to be.

I already did my little research on how many days I can be awake without going insane. There was a little instruction manual inside the package which told how much of the gas inhaled can keep me awake for how many days. I calculated the exact amount and inhaled it. After inhaling it I didn't feel anything weird; like it felt like nothing happened, maybe I had to wait for the day to end.

I worked all day and it was quite surprising that I didn't yawn even once all this while, cause I used to yawn a couple of times while the day started to end and could barely walk to bed with my sleepy head. But today it was different, I was feeling the same as I felt in the morning. So I thought to keep on working all night from home, and surprisingly the sleep gas was doing its work perfectly. I ended up finishing the project I got today, which would have taken at least four days of office hours.

I went to the office the next day, surprised my boss and got appreciated for my efficient performance. And it kept on going for a few days and then, at last, the effect of the gas wore off and I went into a deep sleep. Asleep of I don't know lasted how many hours but it was long; long enough to know I missed my office bus and didn't pick any calls from my boss all that time. The reputation I build tuned into ashes. I wanted to keep on going without any stop; wanted to rebuild what I lost, so I took a larger dose of it. And that was my greatest mistake.

It did keep me awake as before, but after a point, I was tired, I could feel my body needed rest but my brain wasn't letting me rest, it kept on racing thoughts into me and I kept on working. A week passed and the doze didn't wear off. Now I was getting irritated from the small things, I would burst into rage. And one night the unexpected happened.

While coming back home, I thought to walk than taking the bus and in the middle of the road an accident happened and the owner of the car came rushing towards me and I got irritated with his raise in voice and I stabbed him with the piece of glass from the car. I didn't feel scared after doing it, rather I felt like it was the only solution to control my rage; to silence the ones causing it.

I don't know why I didn't go home that night. I kept on roaming on the streets. After an hour some people tried to mug me and I stab them with the glass piece I had. Now it became a satisfying activity for me. And with that gas controlling my mind, I just went on a killing spree. I used to check doorknobs if they were closed means I wasn't welcomed there. But if there were opened then I would practice my new hobby.

After approximately 24 days as the police report read I was found sleeping on a bridge. Just one push and I would have freed myself with this toxic mind of mine. It seemed many security cameras had recorded me murdering people and I was charged with so many degrees of murders. The thing which amused me the most was the quote I wrote on the wall of that bridge "I am the wrath of GOD if you had committed great sins GOD would not have sent a punishment like me upon you"- Genghis Khan.
© Allen George