


"Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Almost 20 years ago when the song I'm Walking Away by Craig Davids rocked the airwaves, it was a national anthem. Then, if you don't know just the lines of the chorus, you're considered a novice; a person who wasn't grounded in the then social circle. For those that weren't conversant with the chorus, it went thus:

I'm walking away
From the troubles in my life
I'm walking away
Go--ing to find a better day.

(Please, forgive any error in the lyrics)

Well, it was a very good song to say. But considering its title, walking away from trouble really seem more hypothetical than factual. Though trouble may not seem a good synonym of challenge in the context of this write up, kindly permit me to relate to it anyway. Permission granted? Thank you. So, what I'm trying to say in essence is that challenges are what make our life interesting just like the opening quote. Some people may not just easily agree with the words of Samuel J. Marine as expressed above. But it's almost the truth, if not absolute.

I want you to close your eyes for a minute and imagine your life without any kind of hurdles. Imagine you don't have to practise to polish your special abilities into wealth making talents. Imagine you don't have to read to pass examinations to graduate to every next level of your pursuit in life. Imagine you don't have to walk or board a bus that will commute you to class or your place of work. Imagine you don't even have to work to earn a living. Again, imagine you don't have to woo a lady to have her consent for marriage. Imagine you don't have to be innovative to make your marriage fun-filled. Imagine you don't have to even make love to your wife to reproduce. Just keep imagining having everything easily without investing any effort. Are you done with your imaginations? What do you conclude at? Fun or boredom. Even if I can't hear your answer, I can feel it.

Confucius, a notable philosopher, once said and I write that "The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." Yes! The man who overcome a challenge ends up becoming a better man thereafter. He is more than an overcomer but an authority in the field where he conquered. Some people will even consider him as a demigod having dare the odds and won against them. In the light of this, I will suggest you don't walk away from challenges because even if you try they won't leave you alone.

Once, I was told the story of a promising young man who kept on changing jobs because he was having issues with his superiors. It was the same issue that was pushing him from one place of work to another. He thought he could run away from it. But the more he ran, the more the same challenge kept accompanying him wherever he went. By the time he got to his fifth place of employment, he was already exhausted running from this challenge. So, he faced it squarely. He looked inward to evaluate himself. He found out that he was even the problems. Therefore, he desired to change and then worked on himself. Before he knew what happened, he stayed longer on his new job. There, he got married and started a family. Finally, he won. He wouldn't have won if he hadn't work it out in accordance with the words of Lance Dale. He said;

"Expect obstacles and face them head on. They are going to come up. So, the way you handle them is what makes all the difference."

Challenges won't leave you no matter how hard you try to evade or avoid them. They always have a way of changing form when you run away from them to show up in your near or far future. The truth is, they are always dynamic. When you're afraid to confront them, and you walk away thinking you've escaped, you're deceiving yourself. With time, they'll take on another appearance and come to you again in a new way. What would you do then? Run away again? Come on, let's face the truth. You can't really walk or run away from challenges. You can't hide from them either because they always have a way of finding you. So, why do you want to walk away? So, I'll advise that you don't shy away from facing your challenge. Dare it, and you'll see it bow out in the face of your courage and determination to overcome it. I rest my noble pen.

See you when you get there!
