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So here is the request for you, please give it a read till end. I just penned down the feelings from which i suffered and which i think the most people are suffering from.

Whether the world knows or not who am I but i clearly know who I am. We are living in the world of 8 billion people. Certainly, you would meet one person who will somewhat similar like you apparently but you can't meet anyone in this vast world who thinks like you. And this makes you unique, uniqueness doesn't mean about looks, Does it mean everyone is unique in their own way?
The answer is yes.
When i was just 4 months i learned crawling but some people learn this after one year. Some are pessimistic, while some are optimistic. Our magnificent life is cleaved into three phases i.e. childhood, adolescence and old age. It's true that old age is the golden age as till then we've gone through all the sufferings and pain. The best age yeah, we all can guess the age between childhood and oldage, in which we think we've become adults now but we forget that we're not completely adults. The most common mistake that teens is make is they think what they are doing is completely the solution of the problem that is arising in front of them. when the life wants me to choose either left or right, I end up choosing which my surroundings and me wants. As a teenager i make mistakes in my life i can't refrain them they are the part of life, but i choose that which is more needed. Regret and guilt are the most painful pains do your best ,do what you think is right but never give a chance to life to tell you the murderer of your own dreams.

Thank you for reading :)
Deep_ emotions