

A December Symphony.
In the tranquil hues of reminiscence, let me paint for you a vivid canvas of a village i recently traversed. there, amidst the rustic charm, i stumbled upon the echoes of my past—old friends engaged in spirited cricket games, the pond where our laughter once echoed, and the serene ballet of dusk and dawn orchestrating nature's transitions.
as the sun bid adieu, returning cattle sauntered homeward from the verdant embrace of the grazing green fields, weaving a pastoral tapestry against the evening sky. a symphony of memories unfolded, recounting prayers uttered in the sanctity of the village church, where familial bonds were nurtured and school life unfolded its chapters.
under the expansive embrace of the celestial canopy, my eyes beheld the beauty of nature, an indelible tableau etched in the corridors of my heart. in the stillness of the night, as slumber claimed me, a dream unfurled its narrative—a glimpse into a possible future. in this reverie, i found myself a grown-up government employee, and our families, in a delicate dance of tradition, sought to intertwine our lives.
in the luminous realm of this dream, your hand was sought for me, a ceremonial bond uniting us in the sacrament of marriage. together, in this ethereal union, our journey unfolded, and the contours of happiness etched themselves on the canvas of our shared existence.
yet, as the dream wove its narrative, the sudden awakening transported me to the present—a solitary figure standing by a running brook, observing sweet fishes meandering through its crystalline waters. the surreal specter of this dream, a puzzle between reality and perhaps a distant past, lingers in the recesses of my contemplation.
oh, the enchanting odyssey within the early december of our christ's realm—an odyssey that transcends the boundaries of time and imagination. in the tapestry of these experiences, my heart yearns for the chapter where you, my love, become an integral verse, and together, we script a tale as timeless as the echoes of that running brook.


© Kishore🗽