

Exquisite love (6)
The clock struck 11. Chanyeol was watching TV. There was no sign of Lucas. After waiting for an hour more he decided to go to sleep. He increased the temperature. As he set his first foot on the stair; main door opened with a loud thud revealing a very exhausted Lucas. Chanyeol turned on his heels and greeted him.

"Hey! What took you so long?"

"I missed chu." Lucas hugged him

"How was work?" Chanyeol smiled while hugging back.

"I missed chu." Lucas mumbled

"Did you eat?" Chanyeol inquired

"I missed chu" Lucas sobbed.

"Hey hey why are you crying?" Chanyeol panicked

"Because I missed you so much." Lucas complained. Chanyeol sighed and hugged him more tighter. Sometimes you get used to some people so much in such a short amount of time that you miss them even if they are not around for one day. Lucas cried his heart out for a while. After it Chanyeol brought him to near by couch.

"What does Baby Lu wants?" Chanyeol inquired politely.

"Waffels and coffee, please" Lucas pouted while settling down on couch. Chanyeol turned on TV for him

It took half hour for Chanyeol to make food. He made Lucas's favourite waffels, coffee and strawberry milk for himself. Lucas was sleeping on the couch. Chanyeol woke him up. Lucas got up with his hairs in every direction. He was exausted and sleepy. Chanyeol chuckled and served him food. Lucas was eating.

"Chanyeol you know!"

"What lu?"

"You are so mean."


"You left me alone with Dr. Do all day."

"He is a good person."

"Yeah right like you haven't seen him glaring like a creep."

"Well he is pretty scary when he is like that."

"Yea isn't he, I had to spend whole day with him. Where the heck did you disappeared elf?"

"I took a leave to support Jimin at match today"

"Jim who?"

"That worker's boy the one who came in when I ditched Mrs. Jang." Chanyeol winked.

"Oh how did it go?"

"Fantastic, the boy won."

"Meanie, you could have told me Channie. You went there to have all the fun while I was stuck in hospital. Best friends look best together. I had my leave days left." Lucas threw a cushion at him. "Next time make sure when you are skipping work let me know."

"Mmm oki." Chanyeol giggled.

Lucas cleared the last bit of waffles from his plate. "Silly yoda" Lucas growled while setting plate on table "I don't even enjoy eating without you." He sniffed "went to support Jimin what about best friend rights? Social service comes after interpersonal relations. Am I not cute that you dont include me in your plans any more?" He asked while squinting his eyes.

"You are cute lu. Sorry about it I will be more careful in future." Chanyeol said while picking up his mug.

"Wait what are you having?"

"Strawberry milk chingu. What? hey no I made that for myself." Chanyeol cried when Lucas snatched mug from his hand.

"Grow up elf the boys of your age drink vodka, beer and wine while you are still crying over milk." Lucas laughed.

Chanyeol pouted and made a sad face. Wait he is allergic to coffee. Lucas smiled. He took a few sips and handed Chanyeol back his drink. Chanyeol's face brightened and he took the mug.

"Thank chu. I love chu lu"

"I love chu more elf." Both of them laughed. After it Chanyeol did dishes and Lucas fetched blankets and changed into warm clothes. When he was reducing temperature Chanyeol caught him:

"Dont Lu you will get sick at this rate."

"No I have full preparation." Lucas patted on his stomach. Chanyeol stared at his best friend in disbelief. So many layers! How can you even breath in this?
"All set to cuddle up with my best friend."

"You don't have to do this lu. We can cuddle without all this." Chanyeol said

"No chan remember what dad said vampires need cold to maintain their body temperature. You will get fever at this rate." Lucas said in a flow "and more than anything I want you healthy"

"But this temperature is so cold for you and besides I am not a vampire. I am turning this up."

Before Chanyeol could make a move. Lucas held him by arm and dragged him into living room. So that night ended with both of best friends cuddling up with each other on same couch.


"What is the news of boy?" Demon king Suho growled

"My lord he went to a match in morning. He spent evening with a child. During night he was at home." Jungkook said respectfully.

"Good what about Lee.?" Suho asked

"He stayed in hospital as well your majesty. He was sleeping on the couch last time I checked." Chen bowed

"Good seems like Lee is being wise after losing his brother." Suho said "Keep stalking them. We must not let the boy unlock his true potential."

"Yes my lord" Chen and Jungkook bowed before leaving.


It's been days since the assault of that alligator. The injured dolphin was healing. Neya was taking care of it. Everyday she used to make medicine and apply on her arm with her own hands. She used to feed her. That dolphin had one small kid. Other dolphins were taking care of her. Once in a day Neya would go to sea and piggy backed the baby. She took her to her mother. Both mother and child stayed for a while and cuddled. It was a heart warming sight for Neya. After a week or so dolphin healed. Before leaving she hugged Neya and thanked her for kindness.

Thank you for existing. You are truly an angel


Chanyeol was walking towards cafeteria when Lucas overtook him while heavily panting.

"What? ...is there police chasing you Lu why are you running like this?" Chanyeol chuckled

Lucas held Chanyeol's arm to catch his breath. "You long legs you walk so fast. In ER theres a patient with haemorrhage."

"Give me a break Lu. Can't you guys deal with simple cases like these." Chanyeol whined "Since this morning I had two consecutive surgeries. Get Dr. Do to do it or any other person. I am going to eat." He said while gritting his teeth. "I am a living being for goodness sake not a robot. I have my own capacity"

Before Chanyeol can push Lucas held him more tighter. "Please Chan I know you are tired but that person needs you. She had a history of tumour as well. We are afraid." Chanyeol turned on his heels and went towards ER. Lucas followed him. There was a teenage girl hugging a small pre-schooler near her bed. They must be her kids. Chanyeol told nurse Nayeon to take care of them. He examined the patient and reports.

"Get the operation theater ready Lu. We dont have time we are losing her." Chanyeol ordered

"Dr. Park the operation theater is ready but it will take half an hour more to get the navigation ready" Dr. Do said

"Screw navigation Dr. Do can't you see the traces of internal bleeding. We don't have time for this." Chanyeol said. " If we keep waiting for it she will die without help"

"Its a clear risk Dr. Park you might end up ruining your spotless career with this. No need to get so ahead of yourself." Dr. Do remarked sarcastically. "There is a strong possibility that the moment you open her up tumor ruptures."

"We will see about that." Chanyeol made a face and ran to change into scrubs

The surgery began after 10 minutes. Chanyeol was main surgeon while Lucas was assistant. Dr. Do was in observation room when Dr. Lee brusted in. He immediately took the microphone and ordered Chanyeol to step down. Lucas moved in nervousness.

"Stay still Lu." Chanyeol growled

Lucas flinched at this and blood sprayed like a rocket on Chanyeol surgical loupe. The monitor started beeping dangerously.


What happens next stay tuned to find out?

thank you for reading

© Real_Ghostie97