

Night of the living dummy (part 3)
Has carter walked back into his room sitting there on his bed was a doll. She had her hair tied back in a bun with a red flower bow a red pokka dotted dress pink tights and black boots. He was amased he wonder to himself how it got there then he relised how dirty and torn up it was. The dress and tights were all torn up with hole and rips the shoes were busted and her paint was peeling. He picked the doll up and took a closer look then put her back down then he left the room for what seened like 10 minutes and came back with a box. He opened the box and it had old cloths and sewing machine neddle and thred paint the some matteral that the shoes were made of. He once more picked up the doll and took of her dress tights and shoes the put her off to the side and start to recreate the dress tights and shoes. When he was done he turned to the doll and start to repaint it. When he was done the doll was now the same has it was in the shops in the short story he had created. He picked up the dolls old cloths and shoes and a small slip of paper fell out heput the cloths done a picked up the paper. On the paper it said peddles will fall and castles will crumble back yuni akahane will come again and on the back it had this long line of letters. As he started to sound out the line of letters purple smoke started surounding the doll and when he was done nothing had happened. He put the doll on the dresser andstarted to pick up after himself when he heard a voice.