

There was a story of a girl who was going out with some of her friends. When she was about leaving the house, her mum told her ''Please wherever you're going, go with God''. She laughed and said ''Except if he sits in the trunk cause there's no space in the car''..... All her friends laughed as the car zoomed off. Some hours later there was an accident and every single one of them died, the car was damaged beyond repair but the trunk was still intact, and all the crates of eggs that were there were also intact none missing, none broken. Now, why this story?? A lot of us make plans and forget to put God at the center of it all. Everybody wants to be great in life, everybody wants to shake the world but most people forget to factor God into their plan. God should be the plan!!!! There should be no plan outside him, he should be everywhere around and within that plan!!! If you let home be your plan, there'll be nothing missing and nothing broken!
© IG: @black.deby