

Chapter 1
"And don't forget to pick up all the stuff I asked you too" Andy cooed into my ear. before I heard the inevitable click of the phone as she ended the call.
I continued staring at the letter I held in my hand. Why would he still want my services after the incident that I so deeply wished I could forget. He had yelled and told me I was useless and to be honest, I don't blame him. The heated argument that followed is still hot in my memory. Out of anger, he threw me out of the car and had zoomed of to who knows where. Minutes later, I had received a call that he had been involved in an accident.
Seeing him as they carried him away on a stretcher made tears fill my eyes.
Looking at the letter once more, I wondered if it would be safe to go back to him. As if on cue, my phone started ringing and I saw it was him. "Hey" he said, in his deep husky voice. "Listen Hunter, about this letter, I........" I said, before he interrupted me. "You're going to do it, right?"he said, the silence between us, still there.
I stood there, biting my lip and wondering whether it would be a good idea. "Nikki love, you'll do it right?" he said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. I took slow and deep breaths desperately racking my brain on what to do. "It's going to be ok" I said to myself before finally replying him. "I will, Hunter".

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