

Love Birds Journey episode 6

On the day of their PG entrance exam.

It is Ashwin's birthday. Anjali waits until 12 o'clock to wish him first. Ashwin requests Anjali not to tell him birthday wishes.
Anjali - why ??

Ashwin - If you tell me birthday wishes it will be like standing infront of mirror and wishing myself. So, please don't wish me.

By listening these words Anjali feels very happy and she thinks, she will be most luckiest girl if she marries Ashwin.

Anjali - Ok. Don't worry.. I won't wish you.

Then, at 12o'clock Anjali calls Ashwin and tells
"Be happy always.. Am there for you"
Ashwin feels very happy and says "Thankyou soo much".
The next day morning at 6o'clock Anjali went to temple and prays to god to give good health and wealth for Ashwin's family. Because, mobile phones are not allowed in the exam hall, she informs Ashwin and keeps her mobile at home and goes to exam center. As Gautham's center also same they both comes to the exam center early and waits to see Anjali. Meanwhile they goes to drink tea. Then Anjali enters to the center and looks for Ashwin. Shockingly there is Charan. He looked Anjali and he can't control himself. She dressed any blue coloured with matching jumkas, a bangle for one hand and watch for other hand. A small clip for her long silky hair and a small bindi on her face adds more beauty to her. Charan is going near to her and said "Hai".. Anjali is getting very much tensed. She don't understand what to do. He wants to kiss her.
Luckily , Ashwin and Gautham comes. Then she felt little bit cool. Ashwin feels very happy by seeing Anjali. Then by watching Charan's behaviour, Ashwin got angry. Immediately Ashwin tells Gautham to take away Charan from here. Then,
Gautham - Hai Charan..

Charan - hai..
Gautham took him away from that place.

Ashwin gave water to her. And asks "are you feeling ok now..??"

Anjali - Yeah.. much better.
Idiot fellow he is misbehaving.. mad fellow.

Ashwin - Hmm..!! Cool down dear. Am there. Done worry.
If that idiot comes again I will beat him..

Anjali - hahaha..!!

Ashwin - you look like an angel.

Anjali - Thankyou so much.

Then, again Charan asks Anjali for pen. And she tells " I have only one".

And Anjali gives pen to Ashwin. They got seated in different halka during the exam. After completing their exam, they all gathered under the tree outside of the exam center.
Then, the game starts between Ashwin and charan.
Charan is trying to go near to Anjali, Ashwin is interrupting him.
Charan - Anjali , what's the time ?

Anjali - oh shut, my watch is not working.

Ashwin - Charan..!! Do you want time ? It's 1.30 pm

Charan - Ok.

Ashwin gets very much angry on Charan.

Then, again Charan comes near to Anjali. Ashwin kicks off Charan's leg and say's "sorry man, I did not see".
Charan - it's ok.
Anjali gets laugh by watching them. Meanwhile, Harika comes there to meet Ashwin as it was his birthday. After couple of minutes, Ashwin tells Harika that " Charan is misbehaving from morning. Iam controlling him, and Anjali is feeling tensed. So, can you take her with you ??"

Harika - Ok sure.
Then, Harika took away Anjali from that place. With the help of Harika, Anjali returns to her home safely. After sometime, a discussion starts between Gautham and Ashwin.

Gautham - hey dude, what's the matter ?

Ashwin - what ??

Gautham - don't act man.. why did you get angry on Charan ??

Ashwin - That mad fellow is misbehaving. Anjali felt uncomfortable. So,...

Gautham - ufff.... That's ok but, may be Charan is in love with Anjali. Why do you involve ??

Ashwin - You know that Anjali is a good charactered girl. So, I helped her.

Gautham - Acha...., "Stop it man.." "You are in love with Anjali".
"No one reacts like this unless they are in love".
So, tell me frankly.. "Do you live without her..??"

Ashwin - Hmm.. "No" I can't live without her.

Gautham - Ok. Decide yourself. Don't be late.

Ashwin starts thinking about Anjali. As she understands Ashwin in every situation, he decides to propose her. And he also thinks,
" if he delay Charan might impress Anjali". Then, definitely I am going to miss Anjali.
So, he decides to propose Anjali immediately. And informs Ashwin that he is going to propose Anjali.
Gautham wishes him "Good luck".

The next morning,

Ashwin calls Anjali and tells that "he is giving birthday treat and invites Anjali that she must and should attend the party at evening 7 o'clock.
Anjali manages in her home that, she is going out with Harika and comes out.
Then, Ashwin shares the location to Anjali and informs to come to that place. After a couple of minutes Anjali reaches to that place. She looked to her right and left but, she did not find Ashwin.

Anjali wores a "red coloured" long frock with matching ear rings and a small bindi on her face. She has a single bangle for one hand and a golden chain watch for the other hand. Her cheeks are light red in colour and her long silky hair adds more beauty to her. She looks more attractive in red dress.
2 eyes are not enough to see her.
Meanwhile, Ashwin comes from her back side silently and closes her eyes with his hands and takes her few steps forward.

Anjali gets shocked and asks seriously - " who is this..??"

Ashwin - This is Ashwin..!! Don't worry.

Anjali - what are you doing??

Ashwin - be silent for a couple of minutes. I will tell you.

Anjali - Ok.

And it's night 7 .30 pm and the place is very romantic. It is decorated with heart shaped balloons, full of candle lights and some beautiful flowers. There comes a music with low, medium and high frequencies. A table with a flower vase on it and two chairs are arranged perfectly for dinner near beach. A moon light and a cool pleasant weather gives more romantic feel.
Ashwin then, slowly takes off his hands from Anjali's eyes and stands infront of her. Anjali slowly opens her eyes and looks the beautiful romantic place. Anjali surprised and said..

Anjali - Wow..!! What a beautiful place.. Looks very romantic.

Ashwin - Yeah.. Do you like it??

Anjali - Yes Ashwin..!! I liked it very much. I ever visited like this place till now. Thankyou soo much for making today a most memorable day.

Ashwin stands infront of Anjali and looked into her hers and started talking.
You are the first girl who touched my heart with your caring.
You are the one who understands me in every situation..
When you talk with me, your sweet and cute voice pushes me to talk more and more. I just love your voice. When you talk to me, a romantic music plays in my heart. I ever experienced this in my life.
If you don't talk to me for a day, it will be like.. "losing my happiness".
Ashwin took a red rose, sat down on his knees and proposed Anjali saying....
"Will you marry me when I get settled in a good position..??"
"I love you soo much" and I am promising you that "I never let you get tears from your eyes till my last breath" "if you get, it will be my last day in my life" "Trust me".

Let's see weather Anjali accepts Ashwin as her life partner or not..
Keep following what happens next..!!


Hope you all enjoying my work .....!!!!

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