

BBS (Part-2)
"Mommy!! Dadda!!! I missed you alot but why you both are so late I'll punish you both for this. I want alot of ice creams and chocolates now!!" "Sam!! My boy we both missed you too!" said Sahir.. Meanwhile juliee bought ice creams to cheers and they all went to home from airport..
Sahir being notorious complains Sam about juliee saying," Do you know Sam from the day you went for summer camp, your mom has made me slave, she makes me work for whole day n wakes me up at morning 5.am don't you think your mom is like hitler?" Sam giggled and said," Dadda I'm sure everything must be totally opposite!!" They both started laughing n started screaming in the home "I love mom !! I love your mom more than you" and so on..
For the moment Juilee brought bread butter for breakfast..Sam out of curiosity asked," Mom why do you always serve us bread butter only on specific occasions! What is the story behind it??" Juilee smiled and said,"yeah bread butter has its secret. Am I right Sahir?" Sahir slowly said,"Yes its a secret.."