

Words Of Wisdom
Keep God Close)
God Can Have Your Back In More Ways That You Can Fathom He Can Try To Tell You Something With Your Own Thoughts I know this one time I was in a bad rut an the one thang that I couldn't get outa my head no matter how bad I got was the cross you know what it was it was god pulling at my heart loving me regardless god loves all of us trust me my life is full of miricals God has given me I love my life now God did that for me an he will do that for you to take my advice keep god over any body else in your life cuz when it all boils down to it god is ganna be the #1 Being Who's Got Your Back Regardless

This is where you gotta be careful cuz if your like me with me being a huge fan of Marshall Mathers you gotta make sure your not accidentally putting your idol before god cuz our god is a jealous god an he also loves you perfectly an that idol dont know you from Adam an eve

(Wolf In Sheeps Clothing)
Have you ever had some one in life be all nice to your face but you secretly they hate they may say they care for you an that they have your back but no matter how hard you try to do good I garentee you there gonna wanna be all up in your face each an every single time they get a chance like a wolf in sheeps clothing dosint matter if your a good guy or got a job or draw disability it doesn't matter if your doing your best that you can they don't care not one bit there just lien to you waiting own that goldin opportunity to make you look worse than the devil himself take a very close look at the people in your life cuz I guarantee you there's a wolf in the middle somewhere with a metaphorical knife waiting for you to have metaphorically your back turned
Its important that you notice the wolf before he or she gets there goldin opportunity cuz when they do it will be to late at least if you know who they are you can prepare for it to keep from your life being metaphorically over but you also need to pray for them an love them regardless