

Mystery amidst the woods (part2)
For part 1 please read Mystery amidst the woods (part1).

On hearing this I was shocked, as I was clueless about the happenings of the last night.
I told Ramesh that I was having an eerie feeling, and we should visit a priest. But Ramesh straight away denied my request stating me superstitious. He told me that I was being superstitious and there was nothing called supernatural thing in the world. He convinced me to visit a psychiatrist as according to him I was having a psychological disorder. On the next day we consulted a psychiatrist, he prescribed me medicines, advised me to take rest and not to overthink.
Days passed, the psychiatrist’s medicines and advised worked. I was able to sleep in the night and was feeling better. Ramesh was also happy that I was recovering and his decision was correct to visit a psychiatrist. Some days passed happily, without any problems. Our life was back on track until one night.
One night after having dinner we went to sleep. As soon as Ramesh was asleep I sat on the bed and started staring at the mysterious point. It was midnight. The entire city was asleep. It was the night of ‘Amavasya’. The howling of dogs was from a distant street that seemed close enough to make anyone froze. I can also hear a lady moaning as if she was in excruciating pain. The mysterious point seemed to beckon me with open arms.

I felt hypnotized by the moaning sounds. Suddenly my feet started following the moaning sounds towards the mysterious point. I started walking through the backdoor of the house. The backyard seemed to stare at me as if it does not want me to proceed. I started walking on the rocky curvy path gaze fixed on the hill point, ears fixed to the moaning sounds. Suddenly I came into my senses I realized I had covered half the distance. It was bone-chilling cold. The cold air enveloped my entire body. The path was rocky, overgrown with weeds/ grasses, and crisscrossed with tree roots.

The trees with sprawling limbs stood ghost-like, the silent observer of the snowy mountains and river. The howling of animals and the moaning sounds was sending shivers down my spine. I was terrified and as soon as I turned back to rush home my steps faltered and my mind was changed. Rather than going home, I started moving forward. I think I was controlled by an unknown force.
On reaching the cliff I came back to my senses. I was not able to hear moaning sounds. The place seemed very dreadful. It was dark. I have seen darkness before, but this was the darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces it with a paralyzing fear. It was unbelievable that the same place looks so beautiful in the daytime, but now darkness had destroyed its beauty. I can hear the moaning sound again. I asked ‘who is there?’, ‘what happened?’ ‘Why are you moaning?’

Moaning stopped.
There was dead silence except melancholy generated by water waves of the waterfall, as if it is describing someone’s ordeal. I turned to return home, suddenly I saw a lady (same lady whom I saw in my dream, mentioned in the first part) grinning at me. She was standing on the edge of the cliff and beckoning me with open arms. I was confused and within a blink of an eye, she jumped from the cliff. I ran towards her, my eyes glued to her. Till the time I would have reached her, I was shocked witnessing her vanishing in the air and I tripped over a rock.

Everything slowed down until there was nothing only me and the sky above. The sky seemed to swallow me whole. Everything was a blur, suspended in the air mouths agape. Then splashdown right under the cold water. I fell from the cliff.
I woke up screaming on top of my voice. I realized it was a terrible dream. Ramesh pacified me that everything was fine, it was just a dream, holding my hands. I went to the washroom. When I was washing my face suddenly I was dumbstruck at the sight of me wearing the same diamond ring which I had got from the mysterious point. I don’t remember when I had worn that ring. Thinking this when I undressed I was shocked to see fresh bruises on my arms.

To be Continued!


© Shwetasingh29