

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter seventeen
up Well Zadin is doing good he is now working and living on his own . Kent and I still fighting all the time he doesn't have to have a reason to fight with me but things are getting bad . He is dealing more drugs now . we are doing good money wise but not in our relationship. His dealer just went down because their man got busted . We lost contact with him eventually. But then he shows up at Zadins house . He start talking about snitching I told Zadin to send him over to our house .Before we knew it the police were at our door with a search warrant the found less than a quarter pound of weed . we were arrested on a twenty four hour hold . Eventually I was back in jail on the charges for the weed . I was in jail for fourty five days when my charges were dropped . But Kent was still out . He was living with his brother when I got out . Then he and I was fighting and his brother jumped in . well we ended up living with friends where we could .then we got our own place in a one room appartment in the bluff . we got along great for once . until his boss offered us a beautiful home in the country. When all of a sudden Kent was fighting with me again . I could do nothing right in his eyes . No matter how hard I tried nothing was good enough for Kent . We moved away from there and thing just got progressively worse he became angery all the time and during our move Scotty passed away . Making things harder on us . always fighting from here on out . At this point our family started to fall apart all together . We moved again and things were still bad I eventually decided to leave Kent for good and started to plan my way out . So I started taking college classes online and was doing good in them . when I got where I could leave I did . I moved to Texas and started my own office as a Phycologist and worked with women ,men and families in crisis and also it was there where I started my own in home health care company and things were looking up for me . Helping other people like myself helped me . I started going places and succeeding in life. I took my past and made me a new future and became successful and I eventually met a special some one that I learned to trust . We married and all turned out well he and I were meant for each other . We adobted a set of twins Girls as new borns Thier mom was young and always into trouble we named our Daughters Jamielee Nichole And Jazilynn Naomi! At that point life was all perfect . I then realized that even though I had a horrible past that most do not make it through I did and I took it one above the rest I didn't let it stop me but instead used all I've been through to succeed in the dream I once had and made it my new reality and now I'm a better person living a better life all because the bad in life . I am a stronger more confident person and I owe alot if it to Kent and my father because they always told me I would never be anything but I always faught back and I now have done exactly what he said I would never succeed at doing . I'm a happier healthier and successful person with a better out look on life and did not let my past bring me down but used it to better myself and here I am now . In a life no one thought Id ever be in but I am living successfully and happily . I've done it ! I finally fulfilled my life's dream . I may have taken the long road but because I did I am able to be who I always thought I could be . I knew I would be able to do this and here I am . The hard life I led is over and now I'm living my dreams as no one but myself thought I would . I kept going no matter how hard it got . I knew if the world I lived kept telling me I couldn't I had to fight harder to show that world I could and I'm so thankful for Where I was in life I was stronger than everyone thought I was. now I where I always knew I would be. I owe it all to The people that challenged me and told me I couldn't Be . I took Thier words as a challenge and I always did do what everyone else said I couldn't do ! sometimes it pays to take challenges. I'm glad I did . Cause if life didn't challenge me I wouldn't be here now.
© Little Girl Lost 2020
© Lost Little Girls Smile!