

Dreams forsaken
I had a dream; I was to be a princess. I would live in a big castle, be showered in affection and be loved by all. And my Prince would love me more than anything. But I was an ordinary girl, not a nobel. I wanted to be valued, loved, treasured but I was plain, unnoticed in my world. I wanted to be brilliant but I was average. I wanted a fairytale. That is the dream of childhood. Children's dreams are filled with fairies, magical animals and winged horses that fly across the night sky. We dream of things that will never be but these dreams are precious to us. We grow a little and our dreams become a little more real; a doctor, a vet, a scientist. We still aim high but these dreams have lost some of their magic. And still we grow older and our dreams lessen again as we dream of a new job, new house, new car. Sometimes we stop dreaming altogether. We fear that dreams will never come true and so we stop dreaming. We tell ourselves that dreams are foolish but the only foolishness is the fear. The fear that dreams will never come true. that we can never be the person that we want to be. The fear takes control so we stop dreaming and let go. But the dreams are what give us hope; hope to live a bigger life. No, I will not be a princess but I will be loved, I will be treasured, I will be treated as royalty. Just not from the one I thought.
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