

The Dog (Part 1)
(There was a girl. Her name is Annie Fernandez. Her mom and dad went to the office and she was alone at home. She thought that's someone was scratching in her main door. So she texted her Mom)
'Mom!! There's someone scratching in our main door..Help!!' She said. 'Dont open the door!!' Mom Said. ' Sorry Mom but I have to see who's there'. Annie replied. 'Listen to me Annie!'.Mom Said. ' Mom! There's a Dog! No need to me scared' Annie Replied. ' What?? A dog??? Bring it in'. Mom replied. 'Mom it has scratches all over it' Annie replied. ' Give it a Bath'. Mom Replied. ' Mom I think it is hungry! What should I feed it?' Annie replied. ' Give it Chicken' Mom replied. ' Mom he is walking to fast!!Help!! His mouth is full wide open!!' Annie Replied. What?? Run fast!!'. Mom replied. ' Finally I locked it in the bathroom' Annie replied. ' I am calling the cops' Mom replied