

Finding The Sun
Rain was pouring from the vast dark sky, yet the sky is an empty pair of eyes. Emotionless and urging for security from the warmth of the sun. Tears of raindrops fell from the none painful eyes. " Where is her smile?". Neither pain nor smile could be found. They investigated deeply to show her where her peace lies. She understood that "they" were telling lies. Rain was pouring heavily into the ocean of thoughts. Neither the dark blue ocean nor the endless rain could find where the warm rays of sun hid. Rain flew all over the world in search of warmth. Ocean cried with loneliness. They were failures. They could not find where warmth was. Ocean never knew that he swallowed the warm sun and the raindrops never knew that their death gives life to the warm sun.

© @Paro

Don't forget to leave a comment on what you truly felt. This story is full of symbols. If I am to give a hint, this represents the stream of consciousness of a depressed person. There is so much more. Embrace the story and feel what your heart guides you to believe. Don't forget to follow me for more inspiring short stories, poems and quotes.