

Hustle culture and Productivity
Hustle culture focuses big time on "productivity" which is believed to be the key to success.

What "success" even is? The destination is always rich and powerful, but Why?

We have to work to live, so being busy can't be avoided, such is life, no choice. Sometimes not being productive makes us continue to live in a toxic environment and that you are not going to get out of there any time soon if you aren't productive.

Hustle may not be the end point it can be about avoidance of the pain of idleness as well. Hustling is also a distraction from existential questions. I have remained a person who has mostly made to the basic necessities of life like food, clothing, shelter, sleep and breathe. So am i any less human or am i not productive enough as per the standards of the world.

We are conditioned to believe that it's not OK to just "BE". We need to constantly occupy ourselves with doing work all day until we get tired and turn off to sleep. We need to spend quality time with ourselves just self reflecting and quiet the mind chatter just doing nothing and being peaceful with ourselves. Busyness has become the new status symbol but we have to be more intentional in nowadays world to take a pause and take it all in. This mentality of being in the race has led us to work really hard and eventually "Burn out". What are we all trying to achieve why do we keep running away from silence and tranquility. We have to bring in this mental shift which is much needed. The art of staying idle and doing nothing for sometime gives us clarity on life and brings us at peace with ourselves.

It is good to have plans and be productive but the only destination that i can be sure of is the end of this human experience.

© cacti