

Feminist Vibes 01
So far I have not heard of a single woman who can vouch that she has never been harassed/threatened/made uncomfortable by a man even for once in her lifetime.
And if you feel I am wrong, and you are or you know at least someone who is among those lucky bunch, feel free to drop a comment below because honestly, at this point, nothing would make me more happy than knowing some woman out there is surviving this patriarchy unscathed.
But if you or your loved one have been prey to this horror, you know it's high time we raise our voices, begin a revolution. Our silence has only been rewarded with even more harassment, objectification and sheer dominance from the male counterpart. But now's the time for a radical movement - something systemic needs to change because the very core of the society has begun to rot. And the "bois locker room" incident is nothing but one of its uncountable heinous symptoms.
And now before anyone comes throwing a #NotAllMen at me - yes maybe, but it's #JustEnoughMen ,
#JustEnoughMen to make it a social issue, not a personal one.