

this feeling
Mentioning of sexual abuse or something like that. Please take care and talk to someone if something like this happens.

She didn’t remembered much and she was happy with it. She was slowly starting to forgetting your voice, your looks, your face and just everything. She felt good and was happy that she would be finally over you.

But then she got these memories back and it was like she was reliving this situations. She could hear your voice again and feel your hands. She stept in the shower and tried to wash this feeling off. But the feelings of your hands touching her legs stayed. She said no. She was shaking. But you didn’t stop. Now she has these nightmares were you come back and do more than ,,just“ touching her.

These flashbacks came and she feels like they never go away. Suddenly they come and she is back in a situation where she doesn’t want to be. A situation she forgot. She is shaking. She is crying. She is screaming. She is dying. She is scared that you‘ll come back. She is scared to meet you at a party or in the club although you moved away.

A few days ago she saw at instagram that your friend is back in town. She was so scared that you are back too. She was scared to meet you. She didn’t go outside. She sat on her room all weekend trying to figure it what’s wrong with her.

Was it my fault that he touched me? I told my therapist today and she said it was sexual and emotional abuse, but was it? Was it bad enough to be something like this? Was it really that bad?
© lisann