


The relationship between a mother and daughter can leave you speechless/confused.
One time they're laughing,sharing their grief and the next they're arguing or fighting.
Anyhow it is,the sentiments between a mother and a daughter remain unmatched,above all there's constant unconditional love.
Let me tell you a story maybe you can figure them out because I couldn't.

The mother owns a restaurant where they sell food and the daughter-well,she does part time jobs.
One day,the mother left early and asked her daughter to bring the soup they'll use to attend to customers when she(the daughter)is coming to the shop but unfortunately she slept off.
Her brother came back home,woke her up and told her she has forgotten the soup she was asked to bring,she stood up anxiously,afraid that her mother would be angry because most of the customers would have gone.
She wore her cloth and rushed out running all the way to the shop not knowing that her brother did not take the soup with him,he only came to pick something their mother had asked for.
On getting to the shop,her mother asked her about the soup and she said:
Did my brother not bring it??she asked bewildered.
The mother angrily took a wooden spoon and hit her twice with it,the daughter got angry and said something her mother didn't hear,it made her mother more angrier.
She was about to hit her again when the daughter hissed,the mother abused her and ordered her to go back home and bring the soup.
On getting back,her mother told her to slice the yam,while slicing the yam her mother complained of her left hand,she had been feeling pains on that hand for the past few weeks.
The daughter prescribed a medicine which she would take but the mother just nooded.

The daughter knew that her mother would not buy the drugs because she puts her children first and without knowing she(the daughter)started weeping.


I couldn't figure it out but maybe you can.


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