

Regretful moments
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."
It all started 4 years ago at Detroit High School. I fell in love. I never knew I'd fall for my soul mate. But I lost her. In the end. But the thing is. You see... Lila was a quiet,shy and beautiful girl. Me ( Jason) was a loud, confident guy. I hate to admit it but I'm a player. I have a fear of commitment, a fear of rejection. The reason why I am the way I am is because I never had a father figure, I had to be the man of the house for my siblings. I've always hid my feelings from people. I believe my feelings are invalid.
Lila and I met through friends. Over a few days, we started hanging out, becoming friends. Weeks later, she confessed her feelings for me and so I told her I felt the same. By the time she figured out that she was in love with me, I was in a relationship with someone else. So when she told me she was in love with me,I just said out of empathy that I felt the same.
a month or so, she realized I was in a relationship and she was hurt. And for 3 and a half years later, I broke up with my girlfriend. But Lila was still there for me even when I hurt her, she never left even though I've hurt her several times by lying to her about my feelings for her. I couldn't give her the relationship she wanted. I continued flirting and being involved with other feelings, knowing I was hurting her. I didn't care. Until. One day. I felt weird, I started looking for her in every other girl, I started wanting,needing to see her everyday. Just to see her smile. But she never smiled in front of me. She would not bother to hold eye contact with me. I realized that I was in love with her. A year later, I felt uneasy. I was filled with fear, and I didn't know why. I was worried, I have not seen Lila here in class yet. Until this morning at school. In class, the principal made an announcement: Good day learners and educators, I have some sad news to share with you all. Lila Daniels has passed away this morning. She had depression and committed suicide. May we all keep her family in our prayers and hearts. Thank you.
When I heard that, I just bursted into tears. I've lost her. The only girl who had stuck around and dealt with all my nonsense. The only girl who wanted me for me. She believed in me when no one else did. And now she's gone. She's never coming back. I was heartbroken. I regret the way I treated her. I took her for granted. And now. I realized her worth now that she's gone. I wished I saw it before. I promise to change myself to become a better person. I really want her back. For her. I'll do better and honor her.
She deserved better. 💔
© Tyler Jafta