

Blood knife with tomato pulp😋
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I got scared..I was trying to hide this knife but the blood stains on the knife are so pulpy....I notice mini seeds on it...I smelled it..oppress it's not blood it's tomato. I was chopping tomatoes in the kitchen and I heard the sound outside I went outside and it was a cat...I turned back but slipped on the marble...I become unconscious for a moment...Ohh just chill I am ok.
I will go to the kitchen and finish my work. I need to prepare food for dinner
But my head is a bit heavy..what if a miraculous angel will come and help me in cooking...I will be glad to receive an angel from the lord so that I will get rid of this silly kitchen chors.I want different life. A life with work and honour.A life of health and wealth.
I wanna earn and spend and donate for the blessings of the Almighty...so many dreams in my dry stream.....Sometimes I wish that any spiritual personality or any good soul will make prayer for me and suddenly everything will start changing in my life good into the best......

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