

Care Without Change
Someone asked me a question that really made me think so hard. " Why do you care so much for people who probably doesn't care about you? " I was stunned for a moment before I thought hard. I started to think about my reasons. I even question myself, "Why am I even doing this? What do I get in return? " I started to reflect not about what I did but about why I did. At that moment, I knew another mystery has begun unfolding inside my brain, my heart and my soul. The gears of my mind keep on working, racking my every being for answers. Thoughts and feelings resurface that sends shivers down my spine. Not because I don't have the answers but because I have it, all along, deep inside my heart I knew the answer to that question. That's why I smiled at the person and said, " It's because that's what my heart told me to. Caring for someone isn't some category of give and take. When you care, you care. You don't need any reason to care for someone except for what your heart tells you to." And with that, I walked away with a pleasant feeling in my heart.

© rrevi