

PENNYS (epilogue)

I've not seen a single penny that has any kind of anomaly yet, since our return from Montana. Yes! I am one of the end of world days idiots that fell short of a full shipment of receptors destined to the Neuro Path Way back when they were offloading at the doc of the brain. I had gotten all caught up in that comet that was gonna be too close for comfort heading towards earth, along with all kinds of other stuff that my girlfriends daughter has always deployed, but damned if it didn't allow my better judgment to go on a month's vacation prior to the onset of the corona virus nailing the top of my coffin down securely with me in it. I, myself am one already holding fast in all doctrine diets ready and in wait for the end is nigh. So i was definitely ripe for the pickins.

Our vaca to Montana was, and is quite the story to be told, because it is what it is, and thats another story.
I'm back now to my girlfriends apartment and have looked around. Nothing seems amiss, but I haven't checked the walls and ceiling yet using my camera, but in time this shall be either something worth writing about, something worth diving into, for my inquisitive nature to be appeased, and then writing about, or had been cleansed via God while we were away. And afterwards, will definitely be a part of this epilogue in this penny story.

While all this crazy stuff was going on with the pennys, my thoughts were bringing me to the threshold of insanity, not that I would know if I'm already there or have been crazy for along time now, anyway, but my eyes saw these strange occurances happen. My fingers are also a testament to their legitimacy.

My girlfriend also saw the strangeness, along with her daughter, but i couldn't completely trust their words because of our past distrust issues. I didnt know if I was being told, in truth, that they were seeing what I was, or just saying that they did, in order to keep kickin it with me. I always use the saying, " you don't have to lie to kick it with me."
It had really been a rocky beginning with an ongoing continual struggle with our relationship. Add her sidekick daughter to the equation, and it was more like a couple of gypsies, and I was the mark.
I texted my daughter, my brother, and my cousin and sent some of the photos of the ugliest gruesome looking monsters that i seen existing in and on the pennys. I waited days until my anticipation factor was way past its uncontrolled tolerance level of hospitality, and texted something of an urgency towards the need for their opinion of the pictures. From my daughter, and my cousin, I couldn't believe their same words were like being struck in the gut with a metal soccer ball covered with pointy spikes. Neither one of them had seen anything other than pennys.
My brother didn't respond. Im sure its because he's used to all the strange thing that ive dealt with through the years. We've been around each other most of our lives. He's more of a realist, so skepticism is there but I'm sure that his compassionate heart bares worry in it, so would rather not enable me in his opinion that a psychosis might be harming me.

My girlfriend had found a penny that shows something like a big python wrapped around lincolns neck. She found it along time before these demon pennys came about. I sent my brother a picture of it, but ima thinkin, he just can't explain away it, this time. He still hasn't texted me back. Love ya bro. Ive tried to send a picture to this website along with this story, but what can I say, the brains that were left for me, after my brothers came out, must have been accidently taken out of a box labeled, "We Todd Did Gway Mat Duh".