

When love dies (Chapter 18)
"I didn't beat you."
"You kicked me, slapped me, and even punched me. If that's not beating what is?"
"Well I'm sorry, I was drunk all the time, I'm sorry I didn't care. But that was in the past, and I want you to forgive me. I know you won't but can you try? Please?"
"It's hard to forgive someone, from doing that. And I know your trying to get better, so if you are trying I should try to." He leans over the kitchen counter, I see a tear fall down his cheek. He cover's his eyes with one hand, and for once I actually feel as if he was trying to change. I move into his arms and hug him. We stand there for a while. My phone rings. I let go of him to check it. It was Raven. She said she'll be here in 4 minutes! "Any chance you could come back tomorrow, Taiki?"

"Sure, why?"
"Um, it's just.."
"It's fine, I just have to use the bathroom."
"Ok, jeez." Raven walks in like it's her own apartment. "What's up girl!"
"Hello Raven." She made herself a bowl of cereal and sat down. "What have you been doing lately?"
"I've just been hanging out here, the bank wants me to take a longer vacation." Taiki walks out the bathroom. Raven gasps, and points her phone at him, like it was a knife. "What is he doing here!?!"
"He was coming over to apologise."
"What like he did 100 times before, get out now Taiki!"
"Please Raven, I really want to change."
"No you don't, you lying snake." I walk in-between them, so they keep there distance. Taiki grabs his coat and leaves. "Look what you did Raven."
"He's lying to you, stop letting him trick you."
"Get out.."
"Get out!" She sniffled and walked away. Away from me. And away from the apartment.
I was alone again. The sick feeling of alone.
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(Please read other chapters, it makes the story make a lot more sense. If you have any suggestions, or guestion I would love to hear them. Sorry if I took to long to post another chapter.(・∀・)