

Dear readers..
This is not some story that has got some deep irony behind it's just a few of my twisted thoughts which hasn't let me close my eyes and let me fall into the deep slumber of sleep. It's 3:30 am plus of the morning and here I am trying to put thoughts out of my mind so I can just sleep I guess. I wonder who will read this and if anybody's eyes fall on this I hope that you wouldn't struggle like this night owl and find peace. I am not depressed it's just that I can't sleep maybe this has become a routine. It's weird how nights are for sleep but you can't sleep. As a child like everyone I was so scared of darkness and what lives in it but now darkness doesn't scare rather it has become a home where I find myself. Does it sound dark?
Maybe yes but that's what I feel close with. I can hear all of my thoughts wide and clear. I have realised imaginary ghosts are not as scary as the ghosts that live inside of me. I am living with it day and night and I am not avoiding it just trying to understand it. Now, I guess I want to stop writing this now but if anyone stumbles upon this ignore it and don't think too much just relax it's gonna be alright. And, Good Morning.