

Her last day
It was her last day of life, the doctor said she can't survive anymore and now she is in the corridor of the hospital looking at the sunrise, with a soulless eyes, and a nose connected with a tube which is making her breath. Her parents stood there wondering why there is a smile over her face. " Come in and take rest honey" her mother tried to pull her in, " No Maa let me watch the last sunrise of my life" she said with a energy less smile. Her mothers eyes welled up with tears "Pls babe don't talk like that" told her mother. " Just because you cry, my death won't be postponed " she said effortlessly. By that her mom was stabbed by a pain which cannot be removed and her dad was broken and was effortless.
It became afternoon her eager eyes was looking at the clock as if she is waiting for someone. As a heart patient whose death is confirmed and it seems to be her last day ,What is she waiting for? her doctors and her parents wondered. " So Strong women what are you waiting for?" the doctors asked her. " For my hope which saved me till now DOC" she said. "Ok strong Women lets take our medicine" the doctor said to her. " Doc can you not give that to me, let me live this day without any of these and Doc I don't think it will work on me and what will it change if take it!!!!" she sighed with a sad eyes, from her 5 she stayed in the hospital with the help of these medicines, rather than going to school and college the, place she is more familiar with is The hospital and the doctors and nurse who treats her is her friends. "Ok then no need, but if you don't take it you will feel weak" the doctor warned and she told him " All these made me feel like a Prisoner doc, atleast let me live this half day in my own" and they removed the trips needle from her hands and after removing it she felt her hands for the time, without the oxygen pipe in her nose she breathed the real air. Suddenly she took her phone with excitement and dialed a number "Let's meet" she said and hung up the phone.
It became 4 and suddenly the hospital room she is in open and a man in seemed to be bit older than her, maybe a three years older than her and everyone in her room was surprised to see his face, because he is the celebrity who got famous recently came up with his tearful eyes and hugged her and astonished " You alright, I missed you " and she wiped his tears " Don't cry you got everything you want and why are you crying " she asked "But I think I won't get want I aimed for" he said with his sad and everyone around her respected their privacy and left them be. " Shut up!!! lets go out " and they took a walk downstairs and asked a man to bring his car and she grabbed his hand and said "Lets take a walk " and he accepted it, they walked and reached a park in front of the hospital " Remember this the place we first met, you where their sitting effortlessly " she said and he siad " And you came to me", the place was their memorial, he was young man who got good singing talent but not a stage to show his talent, he came to a limit to loose his hope and she willingly became his hope and now he achieved his goal. The evening passed in a good way and her body became weaker and weaker but her soul was completely energetic with him by her side.
The night sky was glistering with shining stars and they both climbed the stairs of his new huge house "Come on where are taking me , I am tired and I can't walk anymore" she said and her body too looked tired and pale as if she could faint. "Is that so" he said and lifted her, she gave him a weak smile and laid her on his shoulder, they both laid on the opened top of his house staring at the moon and the stars, "Do you know you are like this stars, you are suffering alone but you won't show it to anyone and will shine brighter making others life bright" he said and she replied with a weak voice looking into his eyes "Because I had a hope in my life that made me shine and now i have no light to shine". He took her into a hug and asked in a husky voice "what is that hope??" and she hugging him back said " It was you" her words came voiceless and she lost herself in his embrace. While closing her eyes she thought "I want to stay with you forever, maybe its not eternal love but today is the best day of my life . Thank you " with that her eyes dropped as if it needs a complete break.
The next day began and she was not there with him to see the sunrise. He felt broken he felt as if he lost everything he had. Her mother suddenly came to him with tears in her eyes "May be she died, but Yesterday was the only day I saw her complete self with pure happiness, so don't worry " this made him cry he saw her face the last time like a faded star with no energy left to shine. "Thank you for giving her happiness in her last day" her father holded his hand and thanked him. His limbs had no energy to stand and he felt down as if he lost his soul. He stood with his painful heart walked to her holding her dead hand and said "May be its too painful for you so take break, I.....Loovvveee YOU" he broke out in tears with that.
His doorbell rang after 3 months of her death. His father came to him and gave a paper which she wrote for him before her death that morning it wrote " YOU ARE THAT ONE SHOULDER I WANT TO RELY ON , IN MY LAST MINUTE. I LOVE YOU" it made him cry and he holded the paper as if its treasure.
Not all love will last forever, but the love which didnt have a happy ending will stay eternal.

© jerry