

Our Love
Have you ever met someone where you have had a mutual and unusual connection that you can not explain. Where you start to talk and connect. Where you have more in common than any other relationship you've ever been in.

Where you feel like your terrified where things may lead, but want to pursue it regardless. Where they are always on your mind. And your concern is their happiness, security, safety, well being and hoping that this is real and not a dream or bad joke.

Life goes on and you wonder what they are doing, how they are and if they feel the same about you?


Well about 3 months ago I met someone on a Video Game. What started out as fun and laughter while playing, started becoming really deep. We started talking about our lives & what we like and such & without boring you all with the details.

I jumped the gun and took a leap faith and asked her if she was seeing anyone. And although she was shocked. Things took a weird turn the next few days & we didnt talk for about 2 weeks and she came to me and told me that no matter what she did, she couldn't get me off her mind and we took a leap of faith and started to get to get to know wach other.

Now here we are today and after we ended our facetime we both blurted out."I love you". And we both laughed and opened our hearts. We know how each other look, and we both cant really see each other cause of the lockdowns. And we think its just puppy love.

But to be honest, I think this is something more & to test that out. I'm at the airport right now & she is waiting for me. We about to see if this is truly real.

So guys. Wish me luck!

( I hope the Gods blessed us both for each other )

© Inspiration & Motivation