

A different turn ( PART 6)
Heck!!! Crap!! Crap!! Crap! Crap! Crap!!!
I didn't save someone so close to me?!?!

I saw Nora's life less body....with blood smeared across her neck with a knife dug inside her throat!!!
I closed my eyes and turned away as the rest of the hotel came over to ask what had happened!! As Rach and Mads arrived they broke into tears that rained down like storms!!!!

I took a moment to walk around the body and see if there was anything around...

The note...it was there. I picked it up before anyone saw it and hid it in my pocket....and backed up to where Joan was sitting.

Everyone was here

Police , investigators , and some other ppl I have no idea about.

I was terrified. This feel like a movie. Something I never wanna be a part of. I.....

Oh my god , what have I gotten myself into????

Ohk Breathhhhjj!!!!!!

I got a call...

From my mom!!!

"Hey mom"

" Did you know , Jane's dead???" I could hear her sniff no I could hell she had been crying.

" Mom it was me who told her parents that she's dead. I saw her body with my own eyes" My own words hurt. Hurt me more than I ever thought it could. I was in pain. It was something that went right through my chest and made me howl in pain. She...she was close to me. She was my parabatai.....it doesn't exist I know , but that's the only thing that can describe our connection.

" Honey !! Are you okay??"

" Uhm mom ," I said managing my rusky voice for crying so long ," could you possibly tell Nora's parents....that... she is dead!!?!!"

"WHATTTTTT!!!!! JANEINA?!! I want you and your sister to travel right backkkkk!!!!! That place is dangerous!!!! Catch the next flight and come back!!!!"

I could hear her worry in her scream. I was in a mess. A big mess. I....had no clue what to say....i almost felt like pushing a sword through myself!!!
LoosIng nora was as good as loosing an elder sister, someone who took so much care of you when you neede it , someone who gave the right advice at the right time....even though I haven't spent much time with her......she was close to me. And it hurt. Not a much ass Jane's death did...but it hurt

First Jane

Then , Nora??
Nora was close to me...like she stayed in the same hotel
But she wasn't what close , because I didn't spend much time with her?!!!

I need to get my riddle game strong or a few more people might get killed!!!

Whose next...?

The officers came out of the room . One of them I could recognise cause he was there to take Jane's body. His name tally said ' Daven Whieatleaf '

Weird name

" Hello! You must be JANEINA YOUNG? "

" Hello and yes ,"

" I'm Daven Whieatleaf and I'm going to be in-charge of both the murders that have happened here. It's surprising that both of them are related to you and it happened within two days. I have been asking the people around if they've seen anything , well, suspicious. Till now we have got no information. We would like you and your friends to accompany us so that we can question all of you , just for our satisfaction. We don't want to leave any stone unturned!!"

"Well....yes we would like to assist you. We shall do any formalities required from our sided."

"Very well then , should I expect you with all your luggage in half an hour??"

" ALL our luggage???"

" Well yes, we have decided to keep you all in a safe cabin provided by the Headquarters"

" oh, ,um , okay!! I will tell everyone and we should be down by half an hour"

I went back into the room which had been mostly emptied except for the few people that were there to clean the murderous mess. Joan was devastated.

Joan and Nora were bestfriends...both of them shared their love for clothes and jewellery and accessories. They used to stay over and plan dresses , take pictures for instagram and that was their idea of bonding. They grew feelings for eachother as they spend time together. Joan and Nora were sharing their room so that they could try on the clothes they bought.

Joan had just gone inside the washroom to try on her dress and she came out to see Nora stabbed in her neck , bleeding to death.

" Girls , we are being taken by the cops to cabin rooms so that we can be safe and far from danger. They have said that they will need to ask us some questions....I hope you guys are ready for that...!! They have asked us to pack all of our luggage and be down in half an hour. Their car is waiting for us..."

Without any protests about how mean and cold hearted I am to speak without any tears....they all went into their rooms , still sobbing , to pack their bags.

Rach , Mads and I went towards our room . Rach had held my hand tightly and was continually wiping he eyes on my shoulder. If I would not have been so depressed and was not so overcome with grief , I would've objected that.

It was heart breaking! This wasn't happening

This wasn't why I came to Los Angeles!!!

© HennaG