

As I stopped to start this entry I've looked back on other entrys and I've changed so much about my life since being here last. I'm different in so many good and bad ways these days.
Since my last entry of being unfaithful in my marriag I'm happy to say my husband and I are still together and working threw our life together. After the whole incident blew up and the truth was let found out. I came clean to my husband about all the things I was struggling with inside of me that made me make these choices for myself.
Secondly for the man that I thought I was in love with. He remains a distant friend only because that's what he should be in my world. Since my last entry I have become really intunned with myself as a person. while still making changes to better myself, I've come to realize a few thing I never knew about myself.

1. I'm a traveler, I like driving long distances all the different things to see in the world will amaze you if you hadn't ever seen it before.

2. I believe I have a beautiful ability to see things happen before they actually happen.

This isn't always a good thing I started to think when this beautiful ability is telling my something is either very wrong or something really bad is about to happen in the world. And I can't shake it. As far as life today. it only gets better by the day and learning more about myself and my marriage and challenging obstacles to learn from is only the beginning of my remarkable journey. wanna live with me...than note to self.... let's do this!!!