

Sometimes I just want to leave everything and just do nothing and end this life cause everything is going wrong and not according to plan but I stop. I think about those people who love wjo care about me and can't live without me. If I end this life then everything would end for me i would be expressionless and wouldn't feel any thing but my loved ones... I dont want them to suffer pain just because of me I dont want them to die inside themselves as I would be killing there soul and would never do that so whenever I go in crazy sucidal mode I take a moment and think about whats gonna happen to them and that is when I stop totally and decide not to carry any act when I am depressed and I try to get back up and I do after falling many times I do and that is what keeps me going . I know many of you go through the same when problems come towards you and smack you in the face and you think life's unfair and you are unworthy of living a good life and decide to end your life but I plead you to think about others before doing so cause you will be gone forever but they the real pain they would have to suffer.
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