

The Young Man and the Dog
It has been eight years since 2012. A young man has taken care of his dog since then. The story began when he was a college student at NCYU in Southern Taiwan. He was an animal lover who majored in animal science at the same time. Both of them met with each other coincidently.

A lot of crops were glittering in the fields next to our school farm. There were many cows and goats grazing in the same place. Shepherds, students and even tourists were coming to our school farm, hanging around and immersing into their own ease. One day, the young man found three little puppies near the farm. Their breed was Mix, which meant they were hybrid.

Feeling a bit of sadness, the young man wanted to take care of them.

However, the young man could only choose one of them as his companion because his parents only let him keep one pet at home. Considering his decision with carefulness, he decided to pick up the yellow one and sent the two black puppies to his friends. That could be another story between the two puppies and his friends.

After taking his puppy home, it seemed not to adapt to the new environment - new furniture, pillows and sheets. Everything was new for it. It had started to search for his old scenes, sniffing every nook and cranny, chewing some socks the young man really liked. The young man and his family prepared a big meal for their new family member. It enjoyed eating the delicious food with its happy, wiggling tail.

Living at his owner’s home for several days, the dog began to play with his owner and other family members. It has enjoyed the biggest happiness it never experienced before. On the other hand, after having observed his owner, it realized that it was the young man who was lonely and needed to be accompanied. The dog decided to stay and considered this place as his base, where it endured no longer starving, freezing winds, and heavy rains. Look. The dog was dozing and drooling on its blankets with its best dream.

© jack05234