

"Please stop shouting and start taking action"......!!!
I know that you are you thinking what I want to say?
Uhhh! I'll tell you I am talking about the people who are shouting for a change because this world and humanity or humans need change... Ohh man! I am tired now of hearing this,"we will change the world, change is needed, discrimination on the basis of caste,religion,and mostly skin colour; this all should be changed."Enough!!!
This world need a change! I will not say that because everyone says the same...
Do you think really anything is changed in this world.
Still many people are discriminated, and yeah they are not humans they are people, because human is the one who cares and respect of other human; but in this world there are only few human beings left and all others are people that is a alive body with"dead minds"
If you still didn't get my point so I want to say that No matter how much people shout, nothing will change until the thinking of people will not change.So shouting will do nothing. We have to take a step to change this world.
But people say and go, but nothing happens because of what they say, people just remember everything for some time and then forget it.
It all happened but now a small step needs to be taken and the Beginning will have to change itself a bit.
People say that stop the discrimination on humans skin colour, but when it comes to real life, everyone retreats to change themselves…

Uhhh!!! I don't want to read this quotes anymore people everyday reads quotes related to beauty or colourism and then just comment on them that " yeah it's right stop colourism!" but in real Every person just reads from it and the same thing happens again. People forgets!!!
People say that the heart of a human being is seen, its form, color is not seen, but when it comes to the choice of a person, then People choose only by looking at their face and beauty,Not looking at their feelings and hearts...
"Inner beauty matters not outer Beauty or looks"_This has just become a proverb or quote I can say, But In real life and in today's generation only a few people understand its importance and real meaning...
Uhhh!!! it's time to say enough man!!!! Who are you to judge me ? Start loving yourself first!!! doesn't matter what others think about you and yeah it is also just a saying but it's a reality
tooo make it real and we have to unite and show others that you are not alone everyone is with you just don't let it just be a saying make it real!!!!!




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