

Two nights of love...(part V)
‘October 23rd, Tuesday evening 6PM’
Martin was forced into a room. He sat on a chair and the bright lights over there flashed hard at his eyes. He was really irritated. He tried leaving the room.
“so Mr. James Bond!”, Priyanka entered the room.
“hey, who the…”
“Martin! This is not your office where all your slaves would get money from you and they will be working for foreign people. This is something which not in you control. Have some respect during enquiry, right?
For now, you are just a suspect. If it is to be confirmed our treatment would be much different. Do you get me?”
“wait mam! Please.. why am I here now? Are you suspecting me regarding my daughter’s murder case?”
“well done! Nice acting dude. Nothing is gonna’ win here. Shut down all your tricks. You are under our trap and you have to accept it”, she forced.
“what? How come… just shut up. Are you incharge of this case? Oh, that young man? Pulling me into this case? my servant! Do you have a warrant?”, he yelled.
Akhil got terrified. He entered the room with a blast at the door. He took out his gun and pointed it into his throat.
“one more word… you’ll join your daughter. It is very clear that you’ve killed her. All your activities are recorded here. You can never escape. What a father are you? Sadist!”, he yelled hitting his chair.
Martin fell down sobbing. After a lot of years, he felt the nauseating smell of dirty floor. He cried hard…
“she is my daughter! How will I kill her? She’s my princess. Of course, I was angry on her but I was no so rude to kill my own blood. She is my baby. I did not kill her. Believe me…”, he started confessing with tears.
“I was 18. I was just in my schooling. Suddenly a day my father called me saying that am gonna’ be married. I was really happy by that time. I didn’t know what family is… I married her and we had misunderstanding from day 1. I was least bothered about her and I started making out money. I know where she was born and what was our situation. I convinced myself to live prosperously atleast for her sake. She was my world…
I had two addictions. One is making money and another one is my daughter. I wanted everything best for my daughter. I held her in my hands and on that day I decided to make a better life for my daughter. I raised with lots of love like an orthodox Christian does…I love religion but am not of that type, forcing people towards our wish. Of course, am not BJP!
She would hold my fingers and she never left. I named her Sarah! The princess of the world! She was brilliant kid. She grew up so fast making out her choices and I never restricted her at any cause. I tried to be more supportive and I made her with al her wishes available. I was quite good at my job too. Of course, she was my lucky charm.
Everyday I would be very tired but that tiny smile in her rosy lips will push be more and more everytime. Initially I earned for a living and later I started earning to comfort her. I had never been tired of working and I knew that every penny would make darling happy more and more.
I lived my entire life for her pulling her up close to me. I let my other end loose. Everything was smooth. One day, her mother blasted with something new. He stopped to be ignorant and she applied for a divorce. We didn’t have any fight and of course, we had no love. She wanted to go to her home at that age and I offered thinking that atleast now she could be happy.
We have this fucking practice in our society that whenever a divorce case is filed, a child’s heart would be broken taking her one side. Here I was broken completely because my daughter stood by her side. Yeah! All my love disappeared in a second. After all she’s a girl! Though she had immense love on me she had to make it. I did not mistake her but I expected that she would turn up atleast to see me. I don’t know what had happened. She abandoned me completely.
I was alone for months and nothing changed. All of this happened because I failed my journey with my love. Actually I was bored being with her, most of the men do! Before I could realize all this everthing was over. All my entertainments and enjoyments did not last so long. I wanted them back, I missed them. All those days I thought that everything I needed was money but then I realized all that I needed and that which made me going on was my family…family!
I would go stand there but nothing will change. Of course, am not a romantic hero to sweep her off after these many years. After a certain point I let them and got along with lonliness. I would see my daughter in her college from a distance. Whenever she sees me I would hide feeling guilty about all my acts. I would just leave the place. Those few minutes kept me going for days.
One day I had a call. Some random guy working in my office informed that my daughter is gonna’ be married soon, that too to an Hindu guy. I clearly knew that she did it purposely. This time I was not so patient. I started my Audi and accelerated it. I headed straight to the place where they stayed. I banged the gate and entered in…”
“why do you drag so much, man! These are unnecessary. All these stories will not save you. Come to the point, it’s already time”, Priyanka slammed.
“enough for today! Raj, keep him under custody. We’ll make tomorrow. Inform me if anything happens. Priyanka, leave!”, Akhil ordered. Priyanka went out. She had a call suddenly…
“Priya! Is everything ok?”, some random voice sounded.
“everything is on track!”, Priyanka replied…

‘October 24th, Wednesday morning 10AM’
“so...did you have your breakfast?”, Priyanka started.
“fine…shall we continue? Never blabber things. Just tell me why did you kill her? That’s it.”
“everything was fixed. They didn’t even consider me. I did not like that guy, Harish. Not that he is Hindu but that he was son of Devanathan. I clearly knew that they are gonna’ ruin my daughter’s life. I could not bear with it.
I tried my best to stop it but I could not. He had arranged for a high security. All my influences were not at all worthy. I convinced myself that nothing would go so wrong. I heard that they were alone and they were not with Deva. I was quite happy but still I had the doubt that he would torture her. Actually I was scared if he would hurt her hoping to beat me up. That is why I often visited him, warned him. I have even threatened him. Everytime I would be in the mood of speaking up smoothly but whenever I see him, all those mocking in my friend circle and relatives will kinder me. I would become violent once I see him.
Of course, he’ll react. This was my routine and I did it with a hope that atleast for making me angry, he will try to be close with my daughter. They’ll make love and that makes me happy! Till date I’ve never spoken so kindly to him. Maybe…no definitely he might have moved this suspect towards me. You guys are not so brilliant to make up stories but I’ll say you now, he might have not done that!
Am so confident about that. He loved her a lot and I saw it. That is where I stopped interfering in their life. I would just see them from a distance and I would feel happy. As of all, one day our family doctor called me…
“hello, doctor! How do you do?”
“am fine sir. Where have you gone? Your daughter has been admitted here.”
“what happened, doctor? Is something serious?”
“yeah! A very serious issue…”
“you are gonna’ be a grandfather!”, he said.
I was just actionless. I had nothing to say. My tears opens all the sockets and came down. Of course, that doctor would have not known that. I was jumping around. Everything was filmy and I exclaimed in joy.
I would be so rude in my office and everyone over there would be scared of me. On that day, I ran out of my cabin like something and got down through stairs. I had no patience to wait for the lift. I started and I was there in few minutes. I was really happy but I could not realize why my eyes keeps on dropping tears. I rushed there, all of them were there. I could not go in. something stopped me. I could not resist myself seeing my granddaughter.
I waited…waited and waited. Harish went out with his friend to buy something. I entered the ward. My daughter was lying and my daughter’s daughter was crying like something. My tiny cute pie was lying in her Craddle. By the time, Sarah woke up. She had no words to convince me for all her acts but I knew that she would have definitely missed me. I moved towards my granddaughter. Sarah held back my hand and here my Aaryana held my finger firmly.
I felt like that was the purpose of my life. I hugged her tight hoping to give her more strength. Minutes rolled on having fun with them. Aaryana was too small and she was same like my daughter. I loved them to the core but still my ego did not gine me space. I knew that, he would return anytime. So, I left.
I was wiping my tears all through the pathway. I called everyone I could and suddenly I thought that why my wife was not there. I rushed to her house and she was no more. Some breast cancer took her up. Lot of emotions killed me more and more. I got into my car, closed all the doors and I was on a long ride. I was crying so hard that my tears would have been more than the downpour…
I visited them often but only when he is not around. Both would hang out with me at weekends and they would make me happy. All our photos and selfies were my bedtime stories! Everything was fine and suddenly a day,...”, Martin cried loud.
Priyanka could not figure out what to do now. She tried convincing him.
“it’s ok…ok!”, she convinced.
“no, mam! It’s not so strange that you people suspect me, but I did not do it. A single scratch in her body will kill me. How will I kill her. She’s my wealth, fortune, blessing and everything. I did not kill her”, he continued where his tears were joining his mucus.
“once, I heard this. I was broken. The only thing I could do is to catch up that shit. That’s why I brought him in and all of this happened. Sorry…if I had treated you so badly”, he finished wiping his tears. Priyanka looked at Akhil conveying him that the case is not towards its end.
“R21…21…reporting…over. A fire accident…a fire accident reported at the murder spot…over…”, Walkie talkie blasted in its tone.
“it’s just a beginning…”, Akhil thought…

‘October 24th, Wednesday morning 11AM’
“Gong...gong…”, their jeep honked all the way. They were on their way to the spot reported. They reached there so soon. Fire service people were trying so hard to put out the fire. One of the men there rushed towards Akhil.
“yes, sir.”
“how did you notice this?”
“sir, people nearby called us sir. On my enquiry, it might have been a bomb blast, sir!”
“are you sure?”
“yes, sir. It seems that they have heard some violent sound and they say that it could be a bomb blast!”
“fine… Priyanka! Call those Forensic people, ASAP!”, he ordered.
“why did you inform me? You could have sorted out by itself…”, he asked the R21 guy.
“of course, I could sir but few days back I came across your moves in this case. I thought that this would make up something to move even more.”
“mush impressed..han?”, Akhil smiled.
“just a stone in your pathway, sir!”, he smiled back.
“good…go on!”
“yes, sir!”, he left.
“do you believe that the same person must have done this too? But why?”, Priyanka came front.
“maybe…let’s see!”, he dragged.
“what’s the doubt in this? Of course, he have done this. Am damn sure!”, Raj intervened. Priyanka turned his side. Akhil did not like it.
“so simple, mam! The guy who’ve killed her must have eloped around here looking for evidences he would have left. Finally he must have come here. On enquiring the owner, he says that there had been a camera here. So now he must have appeared in that the day of murder and even the other day. He planned and executed and this is the reaction.”
“well done, Raj. That was straight. Keep it up”, Priyanka appreciated.
“Raj! You are very much talented but you know shit about manners. Never put your ears in our conversation, again!”, Akhil warned and left.
“it’s ok…nice work!”, Priyanka’s words comforted him.
The owner rushed there and he was restless. He could not see his dream burning. He had nothing to say. He yelled shit. Some of them tried convincing him telling him that he’ll get his insurance but those who advice us at tough times will never understand that the situation will be alright but the bond we’ve got with that thing will never be back. He had the same feeling. He filed a complaint with hatred and pleaded them to catch him soon. He never stayed, actually he could not. He left.
“no more complications…Priyanka! Clear the spot, quick! Ask some of our people to stay here and just pass the info., if something happens”, Akhil yelled. Everything was done in a minute.
“two policemen must stay here, tonight! Maybe he’ll turn up”, he ordered and got into the jeep. Priyanka followed him and Raj entered the jeep. All the three were on their way to station.
It have been two days and still Akhil could not sort out anything clearly. He took his Cigar packet out but it was empty. He threw it out and he was thinking something.
“so, sir! What’s next? All our suspects…they are all clear and I think they might have done this. We don’t have a strong evidence on all those people. So it is entire waste of time and now we have to assume that this fice incident is in connection with that! Great case, sir…what do we do now?”, Raj started again.
“could you please, stop! Let me think for sometime. Am really stressed. We are missing something, man. He is just next to us but we miss him. Maybe we would know him very well. He is playing fool of us. Just be quite for sometime…”, Akhil yelled.
There was silence for a minute and there was random commands from Walkie talkie again. This time he was tensed up.
“driver! Stop the car”, he yelled and got out of the jeep.
“am on leave today. Am done for today! I have to think. I could not take up my stress. Priyanka! I need all the documents regarding this case and those forensic reports on my table. Try to make some plaster to close his mouth”, he commanded and started walking.
“psycho”, she thought and asked the driver to leave. They reached the station. She gathered all those files and she kept it on his table. Akhil did not turn up the entire day. It was already 9PM, she was about to leave. Now her dirty mind started working.
“how is this ACP figuring out things so easily?”, she thought. She entered his cabin. She saw the files on his table. She knew that it would be wrong but she never bothered. She sat on his rolling chair and extended her legs on his table as he would. Now she opened the files and she started studying them.
“he is playing with us…he must be somewhere near us…we would know him better…”, all these conversations came across her mind. She was looking at the address of the shop. She had the spark at once.
“according to reports, it is a bomb blast. If he had blasted it he must have hid somewhere nearby, because once the sound is heard people around would have become alert. Why not is it like this that he would be somewhere nearby. If he is stranger to the house, they would have complained. So, it is his house or his friend’s house”, she thought.
“Raj! Let’s go…”, she urged.
“is everything alright, mam? Where are we going now?”
“I’ll tell you. Just get on.”
“Raj! It’s quite different, but it maybe true”, she narrated her entire instinct to him.
“nice…but what if it had been a time bomb?”, he asked.
She braked suddenly as she never thought of it. She was confused now. She did not know what to do now.
“let’s give it a try, mam! It may be useful in some way…”, Raj supported.
“you know something, Raj! Even though you are younger than me, I like you. Let’s go…”, she accelerated.
They reached there so soon and now Priyanka smiled at Raj intimating him to be careful. They were in mufty and they tried to get something up. They knocked as many door they could…
“useless fellows…no rooms for couples…brainless…go fuck somewhere else…I’ve seen you people. You are cops right…get out…”, they had enough curses and they were tired at a point of time.
At a distance, they saw a hut so dark. Certain movements were seen there. There were just shadows moving here and there. Both of them approached there. They were little tensed. Priyanka was ready with her pistol. The hut had a door but it was not locked. They went near it. Both entered in with a blast kicking out the door.
“hands up!”, she yelled.
They were silent and they were looking so patiently at her. Yup! They were dogs…both Priya and Raj came out. They could not control their laughter.
“hands up”, he mocked.
“enough…enough of all this games. If ACP knows this, he would thrash us! Let’s leave now. I thought something and here we are roaming like jokers!”, she directed.
Her bike was parked at distance. They were in the mood of returning. Both smiled at each other. They were about to hold each others hand. Suddenly she starred like something. She moved him and went near a bike, Black coloured Enfield!
“I’ve seen this somewhere. Could you recollect?”, she asked.
“no idea!”
“did we check this house?”
“look in…careful!”, she patted his back. Something in her said that she was finally towards destination. Raj knocked the door and both were waiting to see who would turn up.
“coming!”, some random voice replied.
The doors were opened. He was invisible as it was dark inside. He came out and his eyes were little closed.
“Sidh?”, she exclaimed. She could not believe her eyes. Now she was very clear and she remembered everything. Seeing her he tried escaping. He closed the door and tried to jump out at the back side.
Priyanka chased him for a long distance and after a point she could not run. She was tired. She thought that she had left him. After few seconds, Raj yelled…
“under control!”
Priyanka was overwhelmed. She wanted to call Akhil. She did not have her phone. She called Raj and he came near her dragging him that she would appreciate her.
“Raj! Give your mobile”, she got it and called Akhil.
“sir! It’s all over. We’ve got him…”, she started.
“Sidh?, he replied…


© arvind