

Whose Law? by Maryam Latif Mughal
I have heard from my childhood that the law is the same for all. In the eyes of the law, everyone is equal, but I have never seen the same law being enforced. This law steals from a minor for a common man. The money is returned so there is something else in it where if he gets sick in everything then he is taken inside. We have many such examples. For example, Asif Ali Zardari martyred Naqibullah. The old father kept asking for justice but he could not get justice and no one could harm Asif Zardari. We can say that the law is equal for all while we have laid down the requirements of the law ourselves.
A similar incident was also committed by the Colonel's wife. She also crossed all the boundaries of inhumanity. The traffic policeman who was stopping everyone with the Corona virus came. The Colonel's wife came. He grabbed her by the throat and threatened to kill her if she was the colonel's wife. However, he still could not find out whose law it was.
© Maryam_Latif_Mughal