

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter fourteen
We are all so happy to have him back home this soon. Because if he wouldn't have gotten sick he would been head over seas to fight in the war from there . Really that was our biggest fear . He would have gone over but not returned . Now we still have Thadius with us .My family still complete . we moved back to the bluff and just things had been going rough at the time . Scotty went to stay with my client at the lake . Then he started to date the lady next door yes fifteen years older than my boy he loved his older women he was a Romeo. soon he brought to my clients house to introduce I I did not like this child predictor I called her she was thirty he just fifteen . But the he popped out with she is pregnant with his kid . I wanted to cry but knew I shouldn't I just told them that parenting is a two person job it takes two parents to make the and two to raise them . But I still did not like her at all . Well after a few months this lady broke his heart and broke up with him because she was to fat she said . He came back home and played the same sad song over and over again as he cried writing her love letters about missing her everyday all day til he filled a big boot box up with them and tucked them under his bed . The out of the blue in early July she calls my phone and asked if he was home . I asked her why I should even let him know it's her she said is son was born three days ago and I would like the knoe if he wanted to come meet him young Zen so I hollered for him and told him the news . The smile on his face and excitement grew yes please can you take me over there to meet my son and see my girls her and her daughter he's talking about . Sure ask her where and I take you there . He started staying up there again . soon to my clients they come again with more news for us to here momma me and Andrea are gonna get married . I said to them remember our family like big weddings so don't say you going to the justice of the peace they both hung their heads . I asked when they said Valentine's day next month . I smiled as I lifted my head sorry court house will be closed that day it falls on Saturday this year They both said together then the thirteenth we guess . I guess I will have a new member to my family this year or two all at once I had a granddaughter and grandson I'm happy to say . I don't know about being a mother in law though guess here we go. my granddaughter just eight years younger than my son that worried me some . But she became to be a daddy's girl to him he spoiled her rotton as time went on . The next came and after winter the spring spung and Amie talked him into taking a job with the county cause they needed the money . He drove ten wheeled dump truck for them . He didn't like doing it at all. Then that fateful night I still see him in the moon light standing in front of me telling me not to get in the car yet . I saw then the tears fallen from his eyes he came over to me and hugged me so tight tighter than normal I asked him what was wrong he looked me in the eye and these are the words he said " momma I have one load to do in the morning and if I get into an accident it gonna kill me but it's gonna take me a long time to die but I will never be able to hug you like this and tell you I love you ever again I just want you to always never forget I live you momma " he said . Them were the last words I heard my boy say and the last hug he could give me ever again truly his feeling was right .I cried alot of that night remembering those word my boy said . finally asleep I went to wake to Kent telling me our boy Scotty was in an accident . I flew out of bed and got dress and got in the car Thadius and Kent wasn't moving fast enough I started yelling at them . to hurry and get in . Things were starting to race in my head I knew it was gonna be really bad . We finally got to the hospital where he was at the doctor said my son was brain dead . I begged to see him as I said oviously you don't know the life a mother's love Brigs to here son doctor please . He finally agreed to let me and Andrea see Scotty I walked through his blood as I said baby momma's here holding you hand his heart beat went normal you see his wife grabbed the other hand and said Scotty im here too his hands start to flail and move the doctor seen that and said now we gotta move he had to get the bone flap removed do his brain could swell and hopefully start healing but that is if my son makes it through . If he did the what's next we wondered my Scotty was hurt horribly bad . His skull was crushed brain stem severed and every bone in his face but his nose was broke . We all cried and prayed and prayed . soon the doctor came to say it he makes it through the night we got to get him moved to a level one trauma hospital we are only level three but just so you all know in his condition that's only real hope cause normally the condition hes in honestly never make it a while twenty-four hours but hope for the best but I need you all to prepare for the worst honestly that doctor said I'll be with him until then ok as he walked away . That night took forever to pass we cried and cried ore as the night went bybwe didn't want our Scotty to die . the rounds doctor came through shaking his head I don't think we have good news for you .we told him go on get moving we don't want to hear nothing from you. We were waiting on the surgeon that really knew a little while past he came at last thumbs up guys we are going to look to find where we will move him to we all could breath again at last even if we had to go out of state that doctor said fast . he took off again we all again prayed to God and said Thank you Lord for listening to us last night . then the doctor come back and told us we were going four hours away but the only bed is in the burn unit but their doctor said he'd see him there get him here fast we are gonna life flight him there fast life flight is bigger than just an airvac it hold a surgical team in it all Scotty will need on his trip .we need to take him by ambulance to the air port across the interstate that choppers to big to land on our landing pad . So go do all you need to get done and get to the university hospital as soon as you can get will probably be getting there within six hours so move fast . we ran two hours back home to make plans for my grandkids and to get what cloths the we could and back six hours as fast as we could to find him already in the sicu room and still didn't know much about his condition but we knew he was a fighter and would if he could but we all knew he was bad sixteen drain tubes coming from his head we were told there his frontal lobe was removed it was smashed and could be saved and so much more horribly bad things were wrong with my dear son but he was holding on . Some many time the next twoonth I held my boy and told him it was ok if he had to go because he been hurt real bad and none of us would be as strong as he was we'd already be gone . as his wife begged him not to die not yet this ain't what our agreement said . she cried .don't tell my husband to die . as she looked me in the eye . I started to love her more and more . over the time we were there with him until they unplug the machines her and I cried please breath Scotty please don't die breath my son breath we both were saying and finally they told us he's breathing on his own they don't know why it must be for us and our love for him but he doing it on his own . we both jumped up with excitement and screamed yes thank you Lord yes ! but thing for Scotty was still real bad not out of trouble yet there's a bleed at the bottom of his brain they have to take his brain out of his head take skin from his bottom and patch that the eighteen hours of facial reconstruction surgery to get him half way look like he did before this happened and I hate they have to keep him out that long I really pray that he can't still hold on it's been a month and a half in this coma he's been in and that scares me really bad I wish that I just had my Little Scotty back but I don't know if we will ever get that at least not as sweet loving and kind as the Scotty I once had he is my hero exspecailly after surviving this long with the injuries he has we kept find more andore that he had no one noticed at the time of his wreck it's like they just keep popping up like God didn't want him to feel all of them at once but I know he hurts so horribly bad and I wish thisomma could take from him every injury my middle son had I would take them all from him if I could and put me in his place if only I had went back to my friends my clients house and stayed that night like I felt I should do maybe I could have stopped it all from happening by making him not go to work that horrible nightmare day maybe if I'd asked him to stay with me instead my son would not be fighting for his life like he has been doing all this time and be happy with his family instead God please give me his momma all the injuries he has and let him be back to being a newly wed husband and dad . I have raise all my kids and I would take them from him if I could just like Thadius's heart problem I'd take that from him to gladlybif God would allow but that's not the way he has planned for all to end I guess cause he hasn't answered my prayers I keep sending to him as of yet I'm still hold my son's hands and begging God to let him have some kind of normal life back why did that drunk driver take that when his life just really started that's not fair but does he really care he probably don't even remember that he had a big part in my son's accident that he had and this momma will never forget my son in this pain because of some dumb drunk man that would wait for his turn and never had to look back at my son at all that's really not fair to my grandson and granddaughter that drunk did this to their dad . They will always feel the hurt from that one instant our life changed just that fast because if a dam drunk man . How could this had been God's plan things gotta get better soon i beg you God give my boy his life back or punish the man that has done this to him make sure he gets his just deserts dear God I pray for at least that and God for that please don't look at me bad he only deserves what punishment he get for doing this to my family that day and doing this to Andreas husband and my grandkids dad .they just started their live a few weeks back and life had changed in a big bigbway for them just that fast life as they know it is gone and a long life ahead dealing with that they are all gonna have . Adjusting to what happened that day and hope for good things to come for them and that they get some kind of normal back one day we hope at last . But there a real slim chance at that we all know that . I know we will do all we need to to help each other jeal from this happening to or family cause if not our family won't last. We all need each other to make it through this time in our lives and bring at least a little normal back from all this and be able to move on and get us all past this point we are at .
© Little Girl Lost 2020
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© Lost Little Girls Smile!