

once lived a couple who had been married for many years with no offsprings. This couple were very rich and went to the best of doctors but their efforts seemed futile till one day as they were returning from a party they met and old shabby lady with dazzling eyes she had a very suspicious look who could make anyone tremble in fear. The young couple hastened their steps when an unpleasant voice stopped them.She said out loudly "we seek for what our heart desires but are we really ready to pay the price to get it and even when we get it does it really garantee true happiness" Then she laughed out as though making a mockery at the couple who sterred at her in dismay,The old woman then said in a year time you shall have a child whose beauty has no match and you shall call her falasia.But be careful never to contradict her and do all what she says.And all came to pass as it was said years back falasia grew up healthy with the beauty of a goddess but was arrogant and spoilt she respected no one not even her parents who showed her nothing but love. Day after day she became more rude her parents heart bleed seeing their only child being this mean so they searched for the sorcerer to tell them what was the remedy to their situation and luckily they found her roaming around their residence and she said to them only a love so firm as well as Intense can bring a change in her but what a difficult task it was searching an ice block in an ocean.For falasia was admired by almost all the young men in the city and envied by most ladies who valued beauty more than character.So the challenge was who will conquer falasia's heart??
© Dipita