

Welcome to High School
Chapter 4- Fresher's party

“You are late Miss.” He said to me glaring at me. Why is this man here? This monster. “Sorry sir.” I took a seat nearest to me. “Do you know him?” June who I didn't realize that was sitting next to me whispered. But I didn't answer, I couldn't.

“So before we begin freshers my name is Mr. Benson. Now start indroducing yourselves from the first row. “He said writing his name on the board for us to see.” When it got to my turn, it was very weird.” The man I just met a few hours ago before I left my house is asking me for my name? Stupid.

“Harley Hart.” I said trying not to look stupid. He had a smirk on his face which made me frown even more.

“Sorry can you pass my pen please? It's on the floor beside you.” The boy behind me said. As I turned back to give him his pen, it was as if time paused for a second or two. His uniform was like everyone else's. The normal light blue shirt and dark blue jacket, tie and shirt/trouser.

My heart was just beating fast when we gazed at each other. “Miss Hart, please focus in the class, if you don't want to get detention. Mr. Ben said still with that smirk probably saying. You can't escape my wrath now.

The bell rang for long break. I went straight to the cafeteria to avoid another senior disturbing me again.


“My dear sister don't cry, I’m always there for you.”


“Really.” I replied.

“Then please get well soon. Don't let any disease separate us. Pinky promise.” She said bringing her pinky to my direction.

“Pinky promise.” Her pinky crossed mine as I smiled even though I was in pain. “Now no one would separate us.” She said leaving the room for me to relax.

Suddenly I felt as if someone was tapping my on the shoulder. “Gosh I fell asleep?” I said rubbing my eyes. When I looked at the person that was standing beside me,she looked quite scared.” Did I say anything in my sleep. “I asked her which made her even look more terrified.” No, it's just that you looked quite sad.”

“Oh well what are you doing here. Go and eat your food.” I said ignoring her previous comment. Her face was so pretty and elegant. Her eyes were so blue. Her brown hair was put in a messy bun. And she looked so innocent and smart with the school uniform. She looked like someone I knew. When I saw her, it was as if my nightmares came to life.

“Well my drugs.” She said raising one of her eyebrows. “Oh sorry, here you go. Take it at night.” I said to her giving her the drugs. “Thanks.” Her smile also made smile. “Can I seat beside you, nobody really wants me to seat on their table.” When she said that I smiled once again. We were getting closer. “Of course.” I adjusted to let her sit.”

I observed what was on her plate. “What the?” I was too surprised to complete that statement.

“What?” Harley asked with confusion in her eyes. I pointed to the food in front of her.” She looked very confused but when she realized what I was talking about, she looked quite embarrassed.

“Oh I am sorry. I will take it away now.” She still looked embarrassed. “Oh no Harley. I'm not surprised. I do it too.” I said as I brought out bottle of pickles from my bag. I opened it and spread it on my spaghetti. The moment Harley saw me doing it, she gasped.

“Seriously? So you were shy.” She laughed so hard that her perfect set of teeth was clearly visible. “I was ashamed but now that I have someone that does this to every food, I am not shy anymore.” I said with a grin on my face.

“Dude what the heck are you doing?” I heard a masculine voice. Harley and I turned back at the same time to look at the person standing beside us. When he saw Harley sitting beside me he looked scared. I ignored what he said about my food and changed the subject.

“Come sit with us James.” I said pointing to the space beside. I sat at the left side, James sat at right and Harley sat at the middle of us.” Dude is this your younger sister?” He still had that terrified look on his face.

“Why is that.” The smile that was her face a few minutes ago turned to a deep frown. “Well there is a obvious resemblance in your faces.” That's when I got worried as James gave Harley a gaze that can scare the dead. But Harley was courageous enough to look at those green eyes of his.

“Hell no you see Junior is my friend.” We are not related in any way.” Harley said still staring at him.” “Please excuse me.” Harley left without saying anything. James smirked and I tried to call her back to the table. She looked as angry as ever. Ricky just leave her alone. The cute teen girl has some problems.” I wondered what relationship he had with her. But I just chose to overlook it.

“So Ricky what were you doing with that girl. Don't let Regina catch you with her, she might get jealous.” I frowned when I heard my name. Regina? I wondered if I am the only boy in the only world. If Regina was the last girl in the entire world left, I wouldn't be with her. She threatened to tell a lie that I took advantage of her if I don't date her. I'm only tolerating all her nonsense because it is my last year in high school and it wouldn't look good on my college application. I might even get expelled. My life may be ruined. And my dream to go to the college with the most successful college would be ruined. I couldn't let something like that happen.

“Please don't talk about her. I beg you.” I said with food stuffed in my mouth. “What? She's your girlfriend. If you don't want her anymore, I would love to have her.” He had a wide grin on his face. James, he always looks at the outside not the inside. I let out a sigh.

“Speaking of truly beautiful girls, look at Lizzy.” I said pointing to the girl. When she looked up, my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to blow up. When she saw me, she turned bright red from embarrassment. I smiled telling her to come sit with me. She looked afraid and nodded to decline me. I nodded back to convince her and then she started walking towards me. I still had that wide grin on my face. She still looked as beautiful as usual. She isn't hot, she is beautiful inside out.

Her uniform still looked the same. Sparkling and neat. Her glasses suited her perfectly on her brown eyes. She blushed again. “Hi Lizzy?” I was happy seeing her. “Hey. Hi James.” She didn't even look up. That's what I like about her, when she's shy I fall in love with her all over again. James didn't even answer he just continued with what he was saying.

“So dude….” “Hi baby.” Regina didn't even allow him to finish. I rolled my eyes when I heard my voice. She wanted to huge from behind but I pushed her away gently. Her smile turned upside down when I did that. “What are you doing here? Please can you stand up?I want to sit beside him because he is mine and no one can take me away from me.” When she said that, I wanted to speak but Lizzy just motioned her eyes to calm me down. “James continue.” I permitted him to resume.

“It's good that we are all here. Because we would be planning a party for the freshers. Should I announce now?” I nodded my head to allow him to proceed. He stood on the table. “Freshers we seniors apologize for what happened to you this morning. It was all my fault. So I invite you to the freshers party at my place this Friday so that I can get to know all of you.” He said with a smirk on his face. I had a quick thought of how he gazed at Harley and I suspected James to be the person behind what happened to Harley that morning. I didn't want to do anything because I wasn't sure. I hope this party is a good idea.
© Dairo