

Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

Jealousy changes you it completely shifts your mind and paradigm and way of thinking and way of seeing things.

Cruelty has a human heart,
And Jealousy a human face;

Terror the human form divine,
And Secresy the human dress.

Jealousy is a like a Strom inside human a
body which destroy
It's like a enemy of man
An enemy who lives inside a man
which destroy a man happiness
who will keep the man in darkness.

Jealousy ruins

Insecurity and fear of loss
We try to conceal it

There is a dark emotion
Hiding in the heart
That we do not admit
But it shows in our eyes

jealousy is emotion playing with your mind
playing with your thoughts making them unkind

putting you in temper as it sets it trap
The force of jealousy
can overpower most minds,

it takes hold of desire
and leads thought
dark lashes part,

you feel hurt inside and jealousy you see
this is your emotions causing you to rage
you feel you are trapped locked up in a cage

you feel you are trapped locked up
its the same for everyone something we all know
given time to heal your jealousy will go

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