

Welcome To February!
Happy New Month To You!🥳

Blessed be to The Lord God Almighty, for not making us candidates of the mortuary. We thank Him that your picture was not used as obituary, but here you are, member of His Sanctuary, even up to this month of February. May His name alone be glorified.
Listen to me, In this month of February, your vocabulary isn't that necessary. It is not about the good vocabulary you speak, that will take you far. Neither is it your salary that will sustain you in this month of February. But it is simply about carrying the Extraordinary.
To become Extra-ordinary, you first need to carry the Extraordinary, by making God your primary. Reverence the Supreme, and He'll surely make you super, to the brim.
When you carry the Extraordinary, which is Christ in you, your hope, glory, success and breakthrough can never be temporary.
Because, Carrying the Extraordinary brings a man to his Self-Discovery.
Carrying the Extraordinary takes a man far above his contemporary. Carrying the Extraordinary brings a man to his health recovery.
And Carrying the Extraordinary brings a man out of slavery.
If you really need to carry this Extraordinary. There specific Keys you must acquire.

These Keys Are:
*F* ish as many souls to the Kingdom Of God for Christ.

*E* ngage yourself in retreat. It's not meant for only Pastors. Taking retreat occasionally won't kill you.

*B* elieve that He's always available and capable.

*R* ead your Bible and pray everyday.

*U* nentagle yourself from the cobweb of sin.

*A* cknowledge always that God Almighty Is The Greatest. Doing this makes Him blush to give you the Extraordinary.

*R* epent totally from all forms of evil.

*Y* ield and obey absolutely to the Instructions of God.

I pray that the Lord will bestow upon us the Spirit of Greatness and the Spirit to become Super and Extraordinary in this month of February and even beyond.

Remember, that men who Tarry in the Lord, Carry the Extraordinary.
Do enjoy each moment of this month.
Once again, I wish you Happy New Month.🥳

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