

writco friends, tell your friends or anybody to join this app. This is the best app I have ever experience. I have used this app for perhaps one year now. Writco is not just an app for sexual abuse or the other, it is to share your thoughts of how life is. It is to share your way or how you are feeling in this.

For example, if you're feeling lonely, if you are sad, if you have nothing to do, you can join this app. Before I enter this app, I searched all writers and reader app, but I couldn't find any better than writco. I continue to thank the Creator, the producer, and the administrative, cuz they're too well about my feelings..

thank you.

and I'm also here to thank my wricofans and followers, who normally join me and read all my stories, I will surely like some of you guys stories, poem or quote and follow you as well.