

The unexpected
He was from far, far from home to make a living and career.
He wasn't rich, nor poor, just a middle class. He's not educated with any degree. But he's old enough and well minded to run his business.

Early of the year he started his career in a well developed city. He made friends through his work. They started to respect him and his work.
He slowly had his flaws and growth.

Then he meet a family, good but with your own flaws. It was unexpected He and the family became close friends.
Then he met her, a girl who is 6and more years lesser to him.
She called her Anna(elder brother).
As a style of calling, he called her dude.
He had difficult times, and she was there for him.
She helped him to forget the pain.
They worked it out and he was happy again.
They both had some nice movements, wounderful, enjoying, and yes joy.

One day he...