

Serial Killer part 4
A month ago , He was staying in one apartment and working , he could not forget his best friend , but he keep searching for them ,
One day he found one of his friend his friend saw him and started to ran fast he chase him and catch him and beat him harder and harder while he beat him he ask who has kill his best friend he told him he don't know
he keep beating him until a police car was appear and arrest him
He went to jail for a two month , and come out for a revenge, he lost his job
he stay at home , sunddenly he saw a news, one by one has been killed cruely and tied them in electrical wire
he has shoked to see the news and feeling more angry
Police keep investigate about the killer in a town area but couldn't find the killer . He was so doubt who had kill those people cruely,
After seeing the news , he went out to buy some food and came home he eat his food and went to sleep , he dream about his best friend, he was in one place ,a dark forest place, the place full of mist his best friend call his name he turn and see no one is there he heard his best friend screaming in pain and shouting he close his ear and he wake up from the dream,
He went to bathroom to wash his face suddenly he saw his best friend full of blood , he turn around there are no one , he thought it was imagination
so he went out to find a job
He got his job of home renovation he got a new worker friend , he introduced himself to the worker friend , their work together at morning to evening , at night they together when to bar and have some drink
The worker is a friendly person , one day he invite his friend worker to his house at night for a dinner . The friend worker agree to come to his house
At night the friend worker went to his home and their had a dinner , his friend worker excuse and when to wash his hand in the kitchen , he was sitting in dinniy table and waiting for his friend worker he still no come yet he was so doubt, went he want to cal his friend time he accidentally kick his bag and saw a pill he take the pill and put inside his bag and went to see his worker friend
he was in the kitchen he saw his workir friend holding a knife and smell the knife like he is addicted to the knife.