

The Mysterious Forest

Vanilla becomes pregnant with another cub after a few tries.  While Vanilla's pregnant she encourages the cubs themselves and says out of three cubs they shouldn't need any help bringing back food to the cave.  Vanilla tells Edgor and Raven to look out for Jinx as she's the youngest and to make sure that she isn't alone at all in the dangerous and mysterious forest for she could be attacked and used for a meal.  Tuxedo also told Jinx to stay close to her brothers.

The cub's are fine hunting for themselves, Edgor and Raven help and support Jinx like they have been told to do by Vanilla and Tuxedo.  During Vanilla's pregnancy she rested and split the food evenly through the family that her cubs bought.  Tuxedo and Vanilla always asked about their day hunting and asked Jinx.  Jinx told them about how she caught a baby rabbit, she lay low just how Vanilla taught her and as soon as the rabbit was where Jinx wanted the rabbit to be she pounced on it.  Everyone was so happy for Jinx catching her first rabbit even if it was just a baby.  After that dinner Vanilla reminded everyone not to hunt after baby animals because then they won't be able to grow up and produce babies so that would mean no more food in the forest for anyone which would ruin the food chain.  Vanilla said that she was still happy with Jinx for catching a baby rabbit but to try hunting for an adult next time when Jinx felt ready.

After that long day Tuxedo thought it would be a good idea to get more rest for another hunt the next day.  Tuxedo also noticed that Vanilla was getting really tired from the long day and she and the cub inside Vanilla needed some rest.  That night Tuxedo snuggled up with Vanilla to keep her and the cub warm because it was a cold night.

When the cubs go out the next day Vanilla feels really weak and her waters break, she goes back to bed in labour to have her new cub.  Edgor stands by making sure Vanilla's okay.  The new cub is born and Vanilla and Tuxedo decided to call her Shangela.  Shangela has short black fur and bright blue eyes like Vanilla's she also has an oval face like Jinx.  Shangela looked like a cute black angel to Vanilla and Tuxedo.  Once Shangela was born Vanilla and Tuxedo washed her down with their tongues then Vanilla fed Shangela.  Tuxedo watched Vanilla feeding Shangela while they talked about how happy the cubs will be when they meet the new addition to their family.  Vanilla was also talking about how much she hopes Jinx likes her new friend to play with so she doesn't feel as left out.  Having two boys and two girls should even out that conflict between the cubs.

Instagram: _unicorn.fish_
© Lydia 2023