

What I have come to understand. Over the course of my life, but I am only pointing the way. And I am not telling you what to believe or not to believe. Free will is the number 1 law of the universe.
-----010110------- Metaphysics or Philosophy ---010110---
Strive to develop a continuous and joyous intimate relationship with the creator. An once you tap into the "elixir of life" it becomes an all-encompassing passion which leads to enlightenment an self-discipline strong moral beliefs and spiritual aspersions. Never forget the creator indwells whitin your heart and you indwell within the heart of the creator. People fear evil and do not know to apply faith or even have the slightest notion. What is faith faith is not only believing in something but KNOWING an FEELIN IT WITHIN your HEART an MIND an letting no one take or shake it from you. -----------‐---‐----------------------
Jesus Christ said in my father's house there are many mansions. This is metaphysics those mansions or dimensions are the multi-verse. Anyway you picture your life being is in existence all you have to do is align your thoughts an feelings to it. An keep them aligned an know that is were your life is headed. This is a spiritual law to deal with Spiritualism itself. Although this is another of those understanding what you think is thoughts an your thoughts manifest. Even if your thinking of something you don't want. ----------------------------------
That which you don't want will manifest to so one must be in control of ones thoughts an feelings. YOUR thoughts an attitude are what will determine everything that happens in your life. What you think about yourself about others about the world and events. Everything that surrounds you, you control your life. An you've always been at the controls like all great truths. This fact is thoroughly Simple put into words if you think you are healthy. will be healthy but if you turn your thinking around and begin to fear illness an thenyou will start feeling ill and feeling ill is being ill. Believe your fortune has changed and once you believe that, it will change.----------------------------------------
Your life and everything that happens to you is product of the beliefs you hold and the words you say along with your attitude towards yourself, others an the world. Show the world love an it will show you love in return. One of the worst sayings I've ever heard is "no good deed goes unpunished". If that is what you believe that is what you receive. Jesus tried to teach us the metaphysics of ones own creations. Before most of us had the ears to hear it or the understanding needed. As you believe so shall it be.

PS . All images are mine an were taking at my home. They all contain something strange of which I have no explanation .
--------------by Tom T Shrout-----------
© TomT