

Good afternoon... Mister Virus chapter 25.
Mister Virus is never there when he sends his flying monkeys to work for him. When you start catch him he always come with one answer: look, I'm not here, I'm in another country. That means how can I do what you are telling me if I am not in the country whereyou are? It is what he wants you to believe, once he is not there, he is not him.

I have never said that was Mr. Virus who came personally to do everything he did to me, I have always said that Mr. Virus is the author of everything.

Another technique that Mr. Virus used is to send the flying monkeys to tell me Good afternoon at the very beginning of the day. Children, youth, adults, everyone when they find me at 6, 7, 8 in the morning, they come and say: " Good afternoon". That is when he finishes ordering something wrong to be done to me and that he knows I know that he is: He begins to send several people in the place where I live to say me Good afternoon in the morning, to remind me what he told me. He is not here, he is in Italy his country of origin or in any other country that has the time different from mine, so he is not the operator.

Mister Virus by doing this gives me more proof that he is behind everything instead of believing in his innocence. That kind of people speak like us, they say the same word like us but with different meanings. Learn how they act and speak so you can defend yourself against them.

Good afternoon Mr. Virus.
I know that in your country there is a difference of 5 or 6 hours depending on the season in which we are and I know that it is you who still continues with your bothering. There is no way to prove your innocence. You have to go and accepted your reality.

Good morning, good afternoon.

© RebChrist888