

End before the start 🌺
We all dreamed about our love storie and who gonna be our hero ! Is he kind , handsome, classy......?
Me too *Nara*when I was 16 years old I thought I find him ...
My classmate *benson* a tall boy with a builded body he was so quiet , polite , handsome his smile was so beautiful
I was fond of him so suitable to be my story hero but I'm not the most attractive here and which is important is thst I'm not the only fan , Melly this silly girl who thought that she was the star of the classroom she didn't even come to school to study she was there to show her body and hunt some stupid boys , but him the only one who wasn't interested to her at all that's why I found him so special and that's why melly was doing her best to be close to him but he didn't notice her existence or we can say he just ignored her...
I was the genius of the class and I had always the highest marks so I should be hated ,one day I saw him looking at his exam paper angrily and then he stood up and came toward me I tried to act as reading a book he seated next to me and asked me about what was wrong in his answers to have a bad mark so I started explaining to him, while Melly was looking at me with a malice look when he left she came and seated where he was seating and whisperwhispered to me arrogantly :" don't even look at him he's mine, sheep's head "she laughed loudly and joined her malicious friend
I didn't care about her at all she was always rude and calling me sheep'sheep's head cuz of my curly hair she triedtried to offend me but nothing could ruin my day !, I was surprised he was seating next to me omg !
It was thursday , when I carried my school bag to leave the classroom I felt something weird every one was looking at my back and laugh I didn't understand what's wrong in me ?no one wanted to tell me until benson came and took off a paper from my hair and gave it to me and said :"read it nara ! that's why they're laughing unfortunately u don't have a good friend between them to tell u about it ... she's a jealous who did it " I looked at him shyly and then at the paper and rode < nara's hair : I wanna run away from this stupid head > I smiled and I said to him :"I know who did it it's not first time never mind" he smiled too and replied :"yeah that's what happen when u decide to be different u're so strong to handle all this unfairness keep doing that " I Said gratefully:"thank u so much benson " he said:"any time Nara " and as soon as he started walking away Melly came to add some stupidity:"oh girl u raised his pity "I thought he heard what she said cuz he stopped turned to me and said :"I forget to tell u that I really like your hair" he winked at me and I didn't know how I still alive I looked at melly and said :"it's first time Ishould be grateful to u " I got out the school and left her dying from anger
I couldn't sleep that day I still dreaming about him all the night and all the weekend and then I decided to tell him about my feelings I was so exiting and scared in the same moment
Sunday morning I went to school I was trying to keep strong but I was dying inside me :" it's so hard maybe I'll tell him another day " I was thinking
When I entered to the classroom he wasn't there I waited him a lot but the teacher told us that he left our school cuz his family were moving to the east of the country
I was so sad but also glad to know him I was sure that one day I'll meet him again ......
the end 🌺

(I'm sorry my English isn't really good cuz I'm an Arabic writer but I didn't find Arabic readers so I writed in english )