

The Hospital.
Part One.

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. The hospitals lights were dim and flickered. I knew that something wasn't right about this place and so far it was being proven. My heart felt as though it would pound through my chest. sweat forming on my forehead as the fear grew. I had to do something fast.
I turned to see if i could see anyone as the footsteps had ceased. there was no one. not even a shadow figure in the corridor. the entire building seemed lacking of life. desolate and empty. what had seemed like a fairly normal hospital earlier in the day had grown eerie and lifeless. It was almost as if an alternate place had swallowed me without me knowing. I wanted to get out and be a part of normality again.

I had finally heard voices coming from a room down the hall. I slowly began walking toward the voices. I peered carefully into the room. There, stood a doctor and a nurse. on an operating table beside them was the seemingly lifeless body of a man who appeared to be the subject of an autopsy. As i looked closer i could see that the man was in fact alive and had a breathing tube in his mouth. Why then, was he laying on that table all cut open. That was the moment I knew that i definitely had to get out of there. I knew that if i did not, I wouldn't be alive soon.