

Linea from Eris :TOURI
each of the clans using their petmaems ruled the earth peacefully. The caeli befriended the birds and all gifted to soar the skies ,the aqua adventured far in the depths of the oceans and got acquainted with all kinds of creatures, and the ignus were ready to defend their planet! .all of us anima hominum are sent to establishments which teach how to use, control your power "...
Linea was reading the caquanus when she finally could not continue, her eyes were automaticly closing shut and she found herself rereading the same line over and over again, she closed the book and checked the time ,"Ahhh it's just about to be midnight, now I will have to stay awake. I can't sleep now!! "and it was true Linea was too excited like come on... lifelong pet!! will come just two hours later she was too excited to wait. "well I shall rather read the book I should know what to do when ...it arrives. So Linea sat down again on her bed and continued reading "everyone gets to a collage according to your elemental race by the age 10 And a half (after the arrival of the pet maem) In the short time beneath you should get used to your pet maem.

A pet maem's diet consists of basically anything that the owners eat except of anything that defies their element for example for an ignus water will be sickening, and for an aqua :fire, and for a caeli rock cake or anything that defies to use air from example land animals. you should also be aware that your petmaem cannot die as long as the owner still lives .when food poisoned you will simply not be able to use their powers and they might be a hindrance and slow" "......slow........."Linea fell asleep to tired to continue .and then she woke up by a sharp pain in here stomach and head
"Uhhh ...OWW! "she groaned
"I fell asleep "She thought "what was happening?. "she was about to drowse back to sleep when she suddenly heard a. pop!
"hello " said a soft squeaky voice from above .
Linea bolt straight up terrified "who.. 's there "she croaked. Linea had forgotten all about yesterday and was having no progress recovering. she saw a silver ring hovering above her
"Linea its me your petmaem... don't be scared "Said the voice again
"Petmaem..?? "
Linea suddenly remembered everything . "You... petmaem?! "
Her sight re adjusted and she saw all the clear features of the silver ring, it was basically a ring hovering five feet above her it had two eyes at the top and a small slit at the bottom she thought to be the mouth as it moved as the ring said "Linea I am your pet meam... Lifelong pet? "it added comfortily. "Oh... but... now.... which" Said Linea shocked and confused "Are you a.. a caeli?! "

"Yes Linea iam....,can I call you Lin ?"
Said the ring lightly.
"Yes you can call me whatever " almost whispered Linea ,she attempted laughing.
"So Lin can you introduce me to yourslef? "
"I.. am Linea (as you know) and I have a much older brother who is also a caeli and I... live here "said Linea feeling a bit more comfortable "Tell me about yourslef? "

the ring stared to speak "well iam your pet... what is it..... oh yeah
maem .my name is..... "
Linea you have to ...name me said the ring a little shocked
Linea thought this to be a little too early for this and said "Look. I will name you but right now we have to go and bring mom and dad "
but just as Linea got up an alarm sounded . "Oh yeah this is the alarm that will prepare me for when mom and dad are going to come " Linea remembered aloud to the ring.and almost just after her mother and father came through rushing looking around .
"Mom dad calm down here he.. 'sh.. it is "she said pointing at the ring " the ring seemed very surprised at the sudden apperanece of the people and shyly said "he.. lo"
Lineas mom looked at the ring and gently said "Oh hello.. so I see you are a caeli Linea you went on neither one of us just like your brother... what a shame "her father laughed weakly and said "Linea iam going to call everyone you just tell your little friend about everything that going on. And with that both mom and dad went away . As the door closed shut Linea started explaining everything to the ring which was very boring but she was growing more fond of the ring as it too was just as confused as she when knowing everything.
"Know, we have to go and meet all the people "said Linea At last and she stared walking towards the door ,as she walked the ring flew overhead her Linea felt weird in her head it kind of ached but she did not do much about it ,once they reached the main room the ring nervously hid behind Linea. Then Like a lightning bolt it came to Linea she knew what to call the ring "Touri " .
Everyone cheered as Linea and Touri entered the room . Linea walked up to uncle Jed "hello my dear ,it seems you are a caeli "said Uncle Jed smiling
"Hello uncle Jed this is Touri "she said pointing at the silver ring