

The signs to magical destiny(ch-2)
If you haven't read chapter 1 of this story, then do read it or otherwise you'll not ne able to understand the storyline,
Thank you

Now,he only want to meet his best friend Rose to share each n every secret with her. she was the only one with whom he shares every little talk with her. Rasselon went towards main dining hall and searched for Rose. He waits for the Rose ro come out and tell him about the mysterious place.At the moment when Rose came out, Rasselon waves his hand and says"R-Rose I have something to tell you."
"Tell what? shoeing amaze expressions.
Rasselon explained each n every single thing he saw in hesitation to which after listing to this she relpied"yeah!it's too strange."
Rasselon said "I wanna know the reality behind this mysterious place"
"No-please leave it."
Finally, after fighting for a minute Rose ce up with a solution and tell Rasselone" I think we should go and meet my grandpa Mr. Fitag Woter as he is living with my grandma Mrs. Iry woter from past 10 yrs. He must know every little thing about this town"
" okay we'll go tommorrow morning there"
Rasselon and Rose went towards his rooms.Rasselone locks the door and went to his bed but, He is in thoughts that there is something to which his mind not paying attention to. But, Finally Rasselon Slept while thinking about those mysterious building.
Another beautiful morning Rasselone is still sleeping, while the clock strikes already 10:00 am,
Rasselone hears a loud knock on the door. He opens the door and there is Rose standing at it and shouts loud at Rasselone"Hey!you're still sleeping, Don't ya want to go to meet my Grandpa?
"Ahh!No-No,Actually yesterday I slept late thinking about all those things so..." shaking his head with his hand.
Rasselone wearing his jacket"Let'a go"
On the way to woter's residence Rasselone asked Rose"Where they live"
Rose replied" Umm-They live near central church"
"Did you mean we have to cross Same Giant Rocen street where I saw all this happening?"
"yeah!We'll have to,no other option"
Rasselone and Rose reached the same place where Rasselone saw that mysterious symbols and crime.But,Rasselone found no change in any atmosphere of the place, not any crime scene tags, nor any mysterious signs representing World 1625 or magic kind words.
Rasselone got amazed to see that in the same mysterious place there is a resturant named "DINE TO DINNER" which seems to be very attractive.
Rose found slight change in strange behaviour of Rasselone but, still she understands the condition of Rasselone this time.
Rose and Rasselone crossed the street and reached to woter's residence, but, they found lock in the main door. Rose asked their neughbours about them and found that her grandpa is gone for trip with her grandma.With a deep sadded faces, they head back toward their hostel but, Rasselone is in no condition to understand anything. He mind is bag full of questions, and sea full of mysterious happenings.
.........to be continue
© Jasni ahuja